New Cherry Shrimps


New Member
Aug 6, 2012
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Bought half a dozen Cherriy Shrimps today. Naturally they've scarpered off somewhere dark to hide but I did manage to get a snap of one this evening.

Very nice. I like the look of the slate and plants aswell. Got a full tank shot?
Here's a wider shot of more of the tank. I've cut off the extreme right of the picture/tank because the flash reflected off the glass and bleached it all out.


I'm intending to shift the slates on the left a bit, break it up into smaller pieces, stacking it more at ends and creating more run throughs. But at the moment the Cherry Shrimp are holed up there, as the Danios are paying them quite a lot of attention. Don't think they're a good mix, or at least not until they grow a little. I've one particularly boisterous danio and, being larger than the others, he tends to charge around like the proverbial bull in a china shop. Also has quite an appetite.

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