New C02, New Lights, New Tank Shot.

unfortunatly, if you haven't seen, the elephant nose passed away.

apparently he wasn't eating :sad:

and come on, SOMEONE please ID that moss.
yeah. there's some anubis nana stuck in it growing really nice also.

The java moss is spreading like crazy :crazy:
You can feel the green :lol:


I personally like it.

If you all are lucky, I'll show you specs and such on the new lights and the CO2.

it's 96 watts at 6700k.
Kinda sad, tripple posting inside my own journal....

sigh... I probably won't update for a long time after this.

Some pics of the new c02


And another great FTS with the lights

and my new banner if I don't begin "the league of extrodinairy catfish"
neon - the lily like one is pennywot.

The tall one is a good ?. Hydrophilia of some kind. ID anyone?

and neon - yours 10 is 1000x better than my 10 right now. so we're even. :good:
your 10 gallon with the ginormous rock (even though I dislike it because it takes too much plant space and will allow fish to overly hide from your view, but I still but admit it's unique, bold, and will be kind of cool with something like cories that may rest atop it.) and the java moss now on the slate. I'll eventually get my slate java mossed up with some of that from my 38 and set it ad a giant cave in the 10, meaning the whole tank will practically be ... yeah... a cave with plants hopefully growing to the sides and carpeting in front of it. I think I'll need new lights, but not sure.

oh yes! another edit!

I now have an aquaclear 70 replacing the whisper 30.
So hooked up to my tank is an aquaclear 70 and an aquaclear 50. Let the superflouos planting and slight overstocking... begin! :shifty: I still don't advocate it, but with that filtration and this many plants, I can't help myself. The only things I can spot 24/7 are the angel and albino senegal. And he'll eventually become a log who will hide in the java moss like the store's ornate. I may get another african butterfly, and something like a butterfly(flounder, L168) pleco to set me off. And then that's done, I'll begin work on the 10. and sadly, I'm going to over stock it.

6x glow-lite tetra
6x Cardinal tetra/Black neon tetra/Gold tetra/Rummy nose(probably not cause they get to 3 inches... but DANG they look good with plants)/some kind of tetra?
4x brochis splendens / or trade them in and 6x julli cory cats

Still debating on and off with myself on trading those brochis in for the cory cats, and once I begin to heavily plant, I imagine I will. the Julli are more manuverable and smaller and will probably enjoy the setup more. :unsure:

oh, and don't worry too much on it. Where do you think the whisper 30 went? On the 10 gallon of course :lol:


oh, and neon, that tall leafy plant is Hydrophila Corymbosa or something of the sorts, as labled earlier in the journal.

edit again: It's exact name is Hygrophila corymbosa stricta. There are several hygrophila Corymbosa's apparently.
Sorry to double post, But I Think it's time to try to fully list and ID every plant in the tank.

Starting to the left, we have a mix. The front is Wisteria. the back is a mix of vallis, onions, and twisted val., which probably has a better name.

The Log has Java fern. Enough to healthily keep anubis nana attached. Then there's a mystery plant, It's really small right now and broke into several pieces. actually I have two mystery plants like that. And the pieces of one are growing well, and the other is okay.

Then there's the mater of The Brazilian Pennywort, huge globs going on there. next to that it the Amazon red rubin in the back, and now In front of it are two bulbs of Aponogeton ulvaceus. Lovely plant.

and that's the plant life, left to right.

As mentioned, Lighting is 96 watt 6700K, which might explain for the green, but I think it's mainly reflection off of plants. C02 cannister is FINALLY bubbling how I like it. thanks for the help all!

edit: nevemind. H. difformis is wisteria... so I'll still eventually need an ID on one final plant when I get the Pics. It was a hitch hiker.
well, the amazon red rubin has been moved to the middle, and in it's place is a branchy leafy sword that I can't ID.
But I needed it's branches to hold up that of the Aponogeton ulvaceus leaves, and it looks nice. I also got Madagacaar leaf, temporarily in the front till I can get it to the surface, then it will take another place.

Tank shot with flash

Tank show without flash

and a porthole hiding in the plants

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