New Butterfly Dt

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
Reaction score
Pictures to come. I needed batteries but didn't have the time.

I wanted something like the lionfish in Picard's office in ST:TNG. So I set up a 2.5g (I love these things!) with a blue background, sand substrate, and a small java fern he can rest in. Marine sand is pretty awesome! I thought it would be messy, but it pretty much stays at the bottom. Anyway, I was down to choosing one of three: dark red DT butterfly, a blue-black DT butterfly, and a cambodian DT butterfly. I was so hoping they had a nice red CT like that had in Petland Discounts, but I would have had no place to put him at the time. He was sold a couple of days later. Anyway, back to the three. The cambodian was the smallest and reminded me of Buttons(RIP), a cambodian full delta tail I had, because of the button eyes that stood out. Also, he was the only one that didn't get excited when I picked up his bottle. In Chinatown they keep bettas in Snapple bottles. Anyway, everytime I picked up the bottles to inspect their fin rays, gills, eyes, and whathavenot just in case they were sick, this cambodian kept looking at me. I couldn't resist. He seems really happy in the 2.5g. Once I put him in, he inspected each corner. Then he went nibbling at the java fern root. I guess he was hungry. He is too small for the Hikari pellets. I felt bad. So I tried the Hikari Tropical Micro-pellets. He seems to enjoy those. Some fell to the sand and he began hunting for them. Everytime I go to the glass just to watch, he stops what he's doing and looks at me inquisitively. He follows me around until I walk past 5 feet from the tank. He then goes about his business. He still doesn't get when the hand goes to the top of the tank = food. That's okay. Retarded or not, I love his inquisitiveness. Hmmm.... He doesn't seem to like the dark. Should I leave his light on?

:drool: Bless what about a little night light, and perhaps a comfort teddy as well!
Seriously, he sounds as if he is going to be one lucky spoiled fishy, need piccy...I just love looking at their little faces :hyper: :hyper:
Okay. I TRIED to take some pics. Little bugger kept moving. But for one odd instance, he stood still, knowing I wanted him to. But he only gave me a few seconds of his time. Must be very busy. :p



I cannot believe how quickly this little guy got spoiled.
His tank setup:
Substrate - marine sand
Plants & Decor - 1 java fern (small), 1 bog wood (small)
Filter - palm filter
Food - Hikari micro pellets (he loves hunting for them)

Spartan as his tank may be, it's kept simple for ease of cleaning. Plus, it keeps his 'dashing room' uncluttered by obstacles. Now, I removed the java fern because it looked all 'dusty' and dying, and in its place I put a nice piece of bogwood that I have boiled and dried for 30 hours. His dorsal fin, which he so proudly displays as if he were part of Her Majesty's fleet, laid flat. He stayed away from the bogwood and just laid at the opposite end of the tank. At first I thought he was scared of the bogwood. But he wasn't excited at all. I then thought the bogwood was making him sick. But he still had his color. He looked so glum. I was about to throw away the java fern, but decided to wash the slime off of it and prune out the dead leaves. I then anchored the plant by the bogwood and stepped away. At once, he inspected the plant and buried himself in it for a while. Then he swam a bit, now proudly displaying his fins and then 'hugged' the java fern with his fins as if saying "I'll never let you go!" Gosh, it's like that small plant is his old beat-up teddy bear or something. At least he seems happy now, swimming with his fins semi-erect and all just like a banner in the wind.

Anybody ever experience something like this with their betta? Like take away something from the tank and then he sulks?
Jeezus... I guess it wasn't meant to be..... My little fella was brilliant flash.... A shooting star..... Shot right out of his tank last night.... The first really special betta I had. Would always come up to greet anyone by the glass. So young, too. Too small to take in a whole betta pellet. This really sucks! I had him for less than 2 weeks.
So sorry to hear you lost him :-(

Was there not a lid on his tank? These guys can jump amazingly and through the smallest gaps :/
Sorry for your loss :(
He was so pretty too!! :rip:

Once my DT girl jumped out of her changing cup when I left the room.. I went back in and saw her on the floor.. luckily when I plopped her back into the water she was swimming! Crazy jumping fish :rolleyes:

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