White Whale
Granola bar gone bad....
Pictures to come. I needed batteries but didn't have the time.
I wanted something like the lionfish in Picard's office in ST:TNG. So I set up a 2.5g (I love these things!) with a blue background, sand substrate, and a small java fern he can rest in. Marine sand is pretty awesome! I thought it would be messy, but it pretty much stays at the bottom. Anyway, I was down to choosing one of three: dark red DT butterfly, a blue-black DT butterfly, and a cambodian DT butterfly. I was so hoping they had a nice red CT like that had in Petland Discounts, but I would have had no place to put him at the time. He was sold a couple of days later. Anyway, back to the three. The cambodian was the smallest and reminded me of Buttons(RIP), a cambodian full delta tail I had, because of the button eyes that stood out. Also, he was the only one that didn't get excited when I picked up his bottle. In Chinatown they keep bettas in Snapple bottles. Anyway, everytime I picked up the bottles to inspect their fin rays, gills, eyes, and whathavenot just in case they were sick, this cambodian kept looking at me. I couldn't resist. He seems really happy in the 2.5g. Once I put him in, he inspected each corner. Then he went nibbling at the java fern root. I guess he was hungry. He is too small for the Hikari pellets. I felt bad. So I tried the Hikari Tropical Micro-pellets. He seems to enjoy those. Some fell to the sand and he began hunting for them. Everytime I go to the glass just to watch, he stops what he's doing and looks at me inquisitively. He follows me around until I walk past 5 feet from the tank. He then goes about his business. He still doesn't get when the hand goes to the top of the tank = food. That's okay. Retarded or not, I love his inquisitiveness. Hmmm.... He doesn't seem to like the dark. Should I leave his light on?

I wanted something like the lionfish in Picard's office in ST:TNG. So I set up a 2.5g (I love these things!) with a blue background, sand substrate, and a small java fern he can rest in. Marine sand is pretty awesome! I thought it would be messy, but it pretty much stays at the bottom. Anyway, I was down to choosing one of three: dark red DT butterfly, a blue-black DT butterfly, and a cambodian DT butterfly. I was so hoping they had a nice red CT like that had in Petland Discounts, but I would have had no place to put him at the time. He was sold a couple of days later. Anyway, back to the three. The cambodian was the smallest and reminded me of Buttons(RIP), a cambodian full delta tail I had, because of the button eyes that stood out. Also, he was the only one that didn't get excited when I picked up his bottle. In Chinatown they keep bettas in Snapple bottles. Anyway, everytime I picked up the bottles to inspect their fin rays, gills, eyes, and whathavenot just in case they were sick, this cambodian kept looking at me. I couldn't resist. He seems really happy in the 2.5g. Once I put him in, he inspected each corner. Then he went nibbling at the java fern root. I guess he was hungry. He is too small for the Hikari pellets. I felt bad. So I tried the Hikari Tropical Micro-pellets. He seems to enjoy those. Some fell to the sand and he began hunting for them. Everytime I go to the glass just to watch, he stops what he's doing and looks at me inquisitively. He follows me around until I walk past 5 feet from the tank. He then goes about his business. He still doesn't get when the hand goes to the top of the tank = food. That's okay. Retarded or not, I love his inquisitiveness. Hmmm.... He doesn't seem to like the dark. Should I leave his light on?