New Bronze Corys


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2011
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Hi all,

I've just found the cutest pair of Bronze Cory's, I know you have to keep them in groups of 6, but the guy said they'd only just brought 10 out of quarantine yesterday morning and they were down to 2 so I had to get them before they were gone again!

(My lfs doesn't get cory deliveries very often)

However I'm new to keeping them so I was wondering if anyone has any tips/tricks to keep them happy?

I have a 16 gallon tank with sand substrate, plenty of palnts and rocks, 1wpg of light and I feed a couple of pinches of Hikari Micro Wafers a day.
There are currently 4 mollies and 3 guppies and few hitchhiking snails that appeared overnight!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if I have an ich breakout, what do I do? I've read in lots of places that meds can burn their skin :/
There are thousands of references on the care of Corydoras on the web. Google is your friend. You'll find that you'll get responses after you do your initial research and then return to have specific topics explained further. Additionally, you'll find that your question has been asked and answered hundreds of times on this forum.

Searching the forum would be a good place to start. Cheers. - Frank
I've actually spent rather a lot of time trawling Google and this forum and either got conflicting information from the internet or answers that weren't specific to my questions e.g. i asked for general care of corys to keep them in tip top condition, all the answers on here that I can find are for panda cories etc or rarer species than bronze cories.

All I asked for was a bit of help in keeping my fish ahppy, isnt that what this forum is for?
Keep your water clean feed them quality food mix in some frozen blood worms on occasion and get a few more when you can that should keep them fat and happy.
As far as an ick outbreak goes i try to keep my water temps up a bit to keep it in check it speeds up the ick life cycle and helps prevent it from spreading
good luck.
It was more the feeding I'm worried about.

I watch them when I feed the fish and the corys don't seem to get much. I tried feeding a bit more so that they had a better chance of getting a decent amount, but I still don't know if theyre getting enough. If I put in a bit of blanched courgette once a week overnight would that help?
Sand substrate is a great start, your cories will love to dig in it.

As for feeding, you could feed them anything really, they just have a munch on whatever :lol:
Be sure to put cucumber/courgette in once in a while as a treat, truthfully it doesn't meed to be blanched however that is up to you! :)
It was more the feeding I'm worried about.

I watch them when I feed the fish and the corys don't seem to get much. I tried feeding a bit more so that they had a better chance of getting a decent amount, but I still don't know if theyre getting enough. If I put in a bit of blanched courgette once a week overnight would that help?

Get some sinking catfish pellets. My cories eat these everyday as well as frozen treats once a week and they spawn all the time.
Get more Cories, if you want happy Cories as they feel safety in numbers. :) Although, it looks like the tank is reaching capacity quite fast.
I'll be buying some sinking catfish ellets on Friday, and yes i changed to sand as soon as I thought about getting cories.

I'm actually selling my mollies and guppies to make room for some new tiger barbs coming in, but I know I need to up the cory numbers. I will be getting 4 more next time the lfs has some (I've asked them to email me when they get some)

I've heard green or yellow pepper is supposed to be good for them, has anyone else heard this?

Thanks for all your help!
I've never heard of them being fed pepper before, but that may just be me.
It was just a random suggestion on a site I stumbled across. It seemed like a good idea so I thought I'd ask on here if anyone had heard of it!
I suppose it wouldn't hurt to throw some in and see if they like it...

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