new bristlenose


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
I've had my female bristlenose for a couple of years now and today I added a mature male. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll have some fry soon. What are the chances of them mating and what do I look out for (what size eggs and where would they be laid). My tank is a heavily planted community tank with lots of hidey holes.
I looked into this myself recently. Apparently one huge problem with bristlenoses is that they aren't one species, but dozens of practically identical species that are not able to inter-breed. So the chances of getting two bristlenoses of exactly the same species are slim.

Nevertheless, I hope you defy the odds.
loads of ancistrus see the pinned list in the catfish section !
If you are lucky the first thing you will notice is that the male will disapeer,he will be hiding somewhere guarding the eggs and will not leave them till they hatch. The eggs will be around 3mm round and bright orange, usually stuck to the underside of a piece of bogwood. Once the fry have hatched the male will start to venture out looking for food again but not far, he will attempt to chase off all fish that come near including the female. He will keep the fry in the "nest" until they are around 3/4 inch long and will herd up any that stray to far.
The hard part is raising the fry, each time mine have spawned i have raised the fry to about 1 1/2 inch and then they have all died for no apperant reason :( despite giving them a continuous supply of food and a good varied diet.
Hope its okay to revive the thread, I know its heaps old, but I was searching up older threads to find out more info on breeding Bristlenoses.

CFC, have you managed to raise any BN fry successfully since this post? Did the BN fry die all at once or one by one? Could they have been eaten by other bigger fish?

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