The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
I was feeding all of the fish today when I realized that I have NO veiltails at my apartment, they're all at home now, since sully passed away and my mom bietta napped Sage, lol. So I was heading to the LFS today to get wound stuff for my snake and I saw this little vt boy in a tank with some sword tails, there was a male in one of those hang off things too, and the little betta in the tank was just starting at the male in the hang off, not flaring or moving in anyway, but just floating there staring at the other male, it was so cute! I just had to get him!!
So introducing my new boy (he doesn't have a name yet, ideas would be great)
So introducing my new boy (he doesn't have a name yet, ideas would be great)