New botia.

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I got the grooviest new loach yesterday at my lfs. :wub: They were calling him a Burmese Border Loach, but he's definitely not one of those. :X The Burmese Border loach is a schistura, and this is definitely a little botia. I'm 99% sure it's a kubotai, formerly known as B. angelicus. It's absolutely gorgeous, seems quite friendly in comparison to some of the other loaches I have, and adjusted to life in my loach tank almost immediately, joining in the neverending games of let's establish pecking order.... again.

I see what you mean :D

:wub: :wub: :wub:
Hi jobysp :)

If you went to loaches online, you may have noticed that different specimens of this species have very differing markings. I'll post some of my new guy when I get home from work....unless, that is, I can persuade Jeff to post the ones I already sent him last. :shifty: :lol:
I am thinking about purchasing either 3 angelicus or 3 siddthimunki (chain botia). has the Angelicus had an official name change??

can you tell me anything on their temprement (angelicus) and whether they leave plants alone? Im skipping on beaustiful clown loaches because of larger ones taking a liking to plants.
Hi sanj :)

From what I've read, I do believe the angelicus has had an official name change. :nod: I have a tank full of different loaches, and it is planted. They don't bother any of the plants, although they do like to dig in the substrate and will uproot anything that's delicately rooted.

I just added this little guy yesterday, so I don't have much to report on his behaviour yet. I wish my lfs would have had more, but he was the only one they had. He seems quite 'friendly' compared to some of the botias, in that he was quite happy to sit and pose quietly at the front of the tank while I snapped quite a few pics of him. In the very limited amount of time I've been able to observe him so far, I'd say he's about like the B. almorhae in temperament (yo yo loaches), but this is subject to change with more observation. :lol: I would say he appears to be curious and a bit mischievious, but not flat out aggressive, like a B. modesta or B. morleti.

I'd be happy to let you know how he's behaving after being in the tank for a couple of weeks. :)
You are going to like these guys. I have a two. They area lot more active than my Clown Loaches who only come out once or twice a day. Initially they were shy. But now they come up to the glass to check me out every time I come near the tank. :) The Loaches do not eat my plants(Java Ferns). They do munch on the algae growing on the leaves though. Anyway, so far I am very pleased with them. I am thinking of taking my Clowns back and trading them for one more Kubotai.

My boys/gals? :wub:

My gf has one in her 55 (his buddies a big clown loach). They seem to be incredably nice loaches. When she would be cleaning the tank and moving things around, the loach will just come up to her and go up and down her arm. Its the nicest fish I've ever seen. When you walk into the room. It will generally swim out and say hey in its own way. I can't wait to get some. I'd gladly trade my angels for a loach tank :) Cause loaches kick so much ass.

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