New Bolivian Ram, Pectoral Fin Issue.


Fish Addict
Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hey there!
I have purchased a trio of Bolivian Rams this weekend and I noticed that one of them has very broken pectoral fins.
He swims ok, and is active as well, will school with the other 2 rams.
I'm wondering if he's fine?
I don't remember seeing his fins like this at the store..
Here is a video to help you see this.
He has a bit less colors than the other two, and I noticed that his gills look a bit deep as well..
Anyone seen this before?
My water temp is at 24, can't be higher due to my celestial pearl Danios.
Water changes are made every 2 weeks, as you can see the tank is planted and has lots of wood in it. ph is 7.4, nitrates are bellow 20, nitrites and ammonia at none.
I wouldn't do anything, but I would keep checking daily.  I have had fish with similar.  It might lead to a fungus or bacterial issue, but in my experience usually not.
Temperature is OK, but I would certainly increase your water changes to weekly, no less.  I change half the water in all my tanks every week, it cannot hurt and it does benefit.
Is this ram interacting with the other two at all?  I'm inclined to think this one in the video is female, but I wouldn't insist.  Interactions among the three might clue you in.
Thank you for your answer. This ram is interacting with the two others although it is more often alone. I'll keep a close eye on them and hopefully they do get better!

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