New Bolivian And Blue Rams


Sep 19, 2005
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New Rams :D

Today i got my new rams and im soooooo happy :hyper:

I got a pair of Bolivian rams and a male Blue ram. i would have bought a female for the male but the tank that housed the females was under going treatment for white spot. I bought them from the local aquatic club and found that its a really nice place and they have a huge selection of fish (going to join soon)

Pic 1 - Bolivian ram

Pic 2 - Bolivian ram

Pic 3 - Blue Ram :D
Very nice looking fish,

I'v heard alot of good things about them, maybe when i upgrade to my 125Gal i'll get some, but until then.. lol

what do you like about them
What i like about the Bolivian ram is that they loom really nice, have a kick ass personality and also i like they way they bread as in the way they look after thier young. Also i like how Peaceful they are :D

As for the Blue rams well that was my girlfriends decision. She likes them for the same reasons as the bolivian rams and also their bizzare beauty

i have one bolivian ram in my 10g (with a 29g pending for him and a lady friend ;)) i love him. i think he's quite the character. i had a blue ram before i had him, and the the blue guy harassed him so much the bolivian eventually turned around and got him out of his face. the blue ram was dead the next morning -_- but i think it had more to do with water stats as i lost a lot of fish at that time.

ANYways... rams kick ass :d:D:D
Ohh which local aquatic club would that be then? Anywhere near Glenrothes?

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