New Black Ghost Knife :)


Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
Mar 4, 2005
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Leicestershire UK
Well yesterday i picked up a new Black Ghost Knife Fish after wanting one for years!

He is tiny! in a few days he will be going into my 4ft heavy planted tank *also has a giant shipwreck and loads of wood :)*

He will be sharing with a small parrot cichlid, a group of small angels *only have 1 currently looking at 3-5* some cories and 3 BNs *all female*

Guess really any tips for keeping him happy would be great :) and will this tank last of will he need bigger *which is not a problem, would happily upgrade just for him :D*

i know there nocturnal, the plants in the tank cover 80% of the surface so its not overly bright in there, what would be good as a stable diet?
i have had mine for about 2 years, it was around 2inch when i bought it and its now about 9inch and mine eats everything and anything and feeds from my hand, its starting to turn predatory now though and i think it has a taste for eyes. its out plenty of times during the day but good to watch when the lights go off.
always kept it with the more peaceful American cichlids, its ok with my plecs and it lays with my biggest clown loach but i belirve it to have taken a couple of corys out, i had to rehome one that had both its eyes plucked out into my smaller tank, there peaceful until they get to around 7inch plus then mine became a bit territorial.
I had a Banded Knife. Had it for a while and then it also started having a go at my other fish. Mainly the eyes as Liam says.
Left the bottom dwellers alone. But attacked adult Angels, Rainbowfish, Tetras.

I have a BGK in another tank. Had it for a year. So far it seems ok.
My BGK is about 7 inches and ive have him in a 55 gallon with a strange assortment of fish. Ive got two gouramis (one blue and one red dwarf), two cory catfish(which i should move soon), and strange enough a gold fish and a koi. Even though the group sounds a little strange they all get along great and seem to really like eachother. I have 3 caves for the bgk to hide in so he doesnt feel too limitied. If you decided to get an angel fish i caution you not to get any babies. My bgk has killed 3 baby angels by, of course, eating their eyes. Also, whenever a fish in the tank died, my bgk would take a few nice chomps out of it. I think i may have just gotten extremely lucky because my bgk started eating frozen bloodworms out of my hand the day i got him and leaves his cave during the day for an hour or so. You should try to feed him guppies when he gets bigger. Mine absolutely loves a nice guppy:)
Message to all: Black ghost knifes will need a tank much larger than a 55g once past 9". That is all.
funny enough I bought a BGK yesterday as well a tiny 3 inch one hes in a 4ft tank for now to grow on till he goes on in my bigger tank

they are great fish id forgotten how interesting they are to watch in a tank and in my expereience eat anything from live , frozen to flake and pellet they are just greedy fish
Message to all: Black ghost knifes will need a tank much larger than a 55g once past 9". That is all.

This chap will get what ever he needs, have bin wanting 1 for years now :D

funny enough I bought a BGK yesterday as well a tiny 3 inch one hes in a 4ft tank for now to grow on till he goes on in my bigger tank

they are great fish id forgotten how interesting they are to watch in a tank and in my expereience eat anything from live , frozen to flake and pellet they are just greedy fish

Aren't they just! i love how they swim, mine eats anything and everything! bloodworm, catfish pellets, flake veg the lot :lol:
BGKs are awesome fish. I've had mine for over a year now. He's maybe 7-8in. He eats everything. Usually it's bloodworms for him but every once in a while he'll pick up an earthworm my fire eel missed...

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