New Bettas, Deltas and Crowns

Whoa wuv, seriously?! :hyper: That's beyond awesome!!! Wow!! Are the parents CT geno? They must have it in them somewhere! OOOOoOOOo perhaps some in the other spawn shall be like that too! *goes nuts* :D

By the way, I just checked on the ED strain on bettatalk cuz I was curious about where they are from too. All it says is that they are an offshoot from chocolates. *scratches chin*
wuvmybetta said:
Thanks, endparenthisis ,shoulda grabbed him ;)

Thanks,Julie. I'm sure they'll become more brilliant, you watched the oranges blossom into extraordinary colors ;)

bkk :wub: ~ I can't figure them out...keep pondering on it for me,I'm curious too :lol:

Since you're both here, guess what!? My largest orange fry has bloomed himself some double pronged crownish finnage today, can't wait until it's more noticable so I can show ya's :wub:
nice ;)
i'm going through the same thing as you right now, watching my 1 1/2 month old fry develop. i had a small spawn from my double tail female and super delta male (actually, more of an almost half moon now) and they are growing super fast. going to have a few orange/blacks too ;) got 4 double tail and 3 single tail out of the batch (dad ate quite a few of the new borns) and i've been itching to snap pics of em. soon, soon ;)
juliethegr8t said:
Whoa wuv, seriously?! :hyper: That's beyond awesome!!! Wow!! Are the parents CT geno? They must have it in them somewhere! OOOOoOOOo perhaps some in the other spawn shall be like that too! *goes nuts* :D

By the way, I just checked on the ED strain on bettatalk cuz I was curious about where they are from too. All it says is that they are an offshoot from chocolates. *scratches chin*
When I first got them I noticed the mother had some crownish finnage but after the first spawn they were nipped so badly that they never healed the same way. I remember she had crown oranges the same time that she had these, obviously from the same breeder. I'm curious what will come out of the second spawn too :hyper:
bkk_group said:
i'm going through the same thing as you right now, watching my 1 1/2 month old fry develop. i had a small spawn from my double tail female and super delta male (actually, more of an almost half moon now) and they are growing super fast. going to have a few orange/blacks too ;) got 4 double tail and 3 single tail out of the batch (dad ate quite a few of the new borns) and i've been itching to snap pics of em. soon, soon ;)
Show us now!!!!! :grr:

:lol: :lol: Very awesome,bkk :hyper: :kana:
Good luck with your crowntails! Unlike Halfmoons, crowntails breed 'true'. :)
wuvmybetta said:
Thanks, endparenthesis ,shoulda grabbed him ;)
If his rays were more extended I probably would have. :)

Trying to limit myself to just full crowntails now if I can. They're my favorite, and if breeding doesn't work out with the pair I have I'd rather stick to another crowntail. I'll have to sell some babies at some point and I don't think the pet stores need even more veiltails on their shelves, or hybrids thereof.

I'm in no position to be selling "special" bettas like you will be in the future. :)

What are you going to do with the babies anyway?
endparenthesis said:
What are you going to do with the babies anyway?
Move them to a 55 in a week or two,maybe sooner...I'm just scared,tanks all set uo but I'm hesitant to move them -_- I'll let em grow in there for a few months then sell them :)

Thanks Heather & ibb :wub: I just fed them again (3rd time since they arrived) and tucked them in for the night, they're flaring like crazy at each other and having a good ole time, must be happy to be out of the box :)
wuvmybetta said:
Move them to a 55 in a week or two,maybe sooner...I'm just scared,tanks all set uo but I'm hesitant to move them -_- I'll let em grow in there for a few months then sell them :)
Who were you going to sell them to? That's more what I was wondering. Friends? Taking orders online? LFS? I'd be keeping my favorite of my spawn, but I'm curious how to gracefully distribute the rest to those who might want them. Sharing your experiences when the time comes would be very helpful to me. :)
brilliant betta's Wuv.

The Emeralds look Awesome.

I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!! They are awesome =)

I am selling some of my boys. New fry coming and not enough room for everyone :( Gonna miss them.

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