New bettas: A monster plakat and a juvie


Go Hawks!
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I went with the sole intention of plants and bogwood for my 29g, and I'm sure you can figure the rest out. :rolleyes:

This guy was hidden in the back row. He had a huge bubble-nest built, and was trying to smash through his glass bowl to get at his neighbors. :flex:

These pics are awful, I'll get better ones once I move him out of the the tank he's in (there's 2 filters in this 5.5g):



Great finds. I love Plakats and that Juvie looks really unique. Never seen anything like it. :D
Wou! your plakats are beautiful!! I like both really. The one with stripe are so cool. Very UNIQUE. Take more picture of them. Sure they both stunning. I like plakat too. I have giant pair plakat too. :)
Aren't that betta is so cute! I want cometcattle to take more pictures of her!! Very hard to find something unique like this. :) You know what, we can have a section to put up a unique type of betta. :) :D
Thanks guys. :D

I'll get some more pics up tonight.

Ugh! I don't want to go to work. :(
Very cool, cc. I have a matching striped female ... one of my beebees has a stripe, but its a permanent mark from where I smooshed her a bit once when cleaning the tank. I thought she was going to die, but she was fine. You can still kinda see the mark though.... :lol: Too bad her's isn't genetic, I'd send her to you and you could start breeding zebra bettas!
They are beautiful! :wub: Fish stores are just like Wal-Mart, you go for one thing and...... :X Good finds though :thumbs:

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