New Betta


Fish Fanatic
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Golden Colorado
Well, I had an extra 2.5 gal hanging around, and since its a betta tank, I decided to get a betta. I'm going to let it cycle for 2 weeks though, and I added a little fish food to help get it started. Does anyone know if 2 weeks is enough, or if a 2.5 gal is too small. By the way, the tank has a light in it, that when I leave it on all day can get up to 81 F . When I put a heater in, what temp should I set it at? Should I buy lots of plants for him?And, I know the questions are probably getting to you by now, but would he need salt? Thanx a bunch------ :alien: :alien: :alien:
2.5 is fine, see the Betta forum for answers to the rest of your questions.
this is the betta forum..

i dont even really cycle my tanks...

my 3 gallon i added water, water conditioner.. and 15 mins l8er fish ...

the bettas are still fine..

if its 2.5 gallons maybe get something for the bottom like a pot and maybe a nice non sharp plant also if you want to..

if your gonna put in a heater set it at around 78
2.5 gallons is extremely difficult to cycle. The reason is that the environment is so unstable in such a small body of water. It can be done; I've done it three times. It took me 5-6 weeks to cycle each tank, and required decent filtration (with more current than is recommended for a male betta; I housed a single female in each of mine) and a reliable heater that maintained the water temp at a stable degrees.

Give it a try if you want to, but definitely go with a fishless cycle -- and be very patient.

personally i wouldn't bother to cycle a 2.5G cuz it's too small, so cycling would really be pointless for it. I would just add water conditioner, wait a minute and add the betta, they should be fine since you only have one fish.
a 2.5g is good enough for 2 betta(divided of course). so yeas 2.5 is great for a happy betta
Thanx for the advice. Although is it okay if it is sitting around for two weeks without a fish...see im leaving next week and so i dont want to add him right before I go? Any idea on what he should look like (healthy?) I have to go to petco for him :-( :unsure: -_- yeah.....and they have a whole lot of bettas in itty bitty plastic cups...some look very nice and healthy (recently shipped) others im not so sure....I got thin book and it says they should have clear fins, etc....but also the betta you choose should be swimming around and active, but these dont swim around much...of course there's not much room in 8oz of water, too........should I look for him somewhere else, there are very many LFS near my house...
Thanks again
I promise this is one of these last strange questions, but ive never kept bettas before.... :nod: :nod: :nod:
if the tank is just sitting there doing nothing,with nothing in it-it is not cycling. also 2 weeks is not enough. you need test kits to determine when a tank is done cycling. i dont htink it matters though, becasue as others have said, cycling is really not necessary for such a small tank.
you dont need a heater if the temp will be 81 with the light on, unless it gets cold at night and you turn the light off.
im not sure about the clear fin thing-very few bettas have clear fins.
jacblades said:
im not sure about the clear fin thing-very few bettas have clear fins.
Sorry about the confusion, I just meant without ick or something like that....
About the cycling thing too....I put some fish food in the tank, so I don't know if its cyclying or not........ :dunno: :dunno:
christine said:
jacblades said:
About the cycling thing too....I put some fish food in the tank, so I don't know if its cyclying or not........ :dunno: :dunno:
i didnt see that part about the fish food. it will probably take you several more weeks but the only way you can know is with test kits. i wouldnt bother cycling a tank so small anyways, but whatever you want to do.

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