New Betta tank(s)

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Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Well, I was thinking of getting a new betta tank of I have the tanks now (2 1 gallons), and I am going to save some from walmart today. But I'm too lazy to wait 24 hours. So is it safe just to use my main tank water? I have to clean that tank anyways, so I'll take 15% out from the top, and empty it into the betta bowls. But is this safe? Need quick answers.
Since they are only one gallon tanks, you are more then likely going to have to change the water atleast twice a week anyway, so your tank will never really cycle. Id just add some new water to it and then some dechlorinator, fer my betta i use betta bowl buddies, they are nice and pre measured for a 2 gallon or smaller container so they are kinda convienitant. And good luck with the fishes
so I can just add them with half tank water and half new water? That'll be safe? And are bettas really hardy?
I don't see a problem with half old and half new water, but I dump out all the old water of my betta fish's bowls and replace it entirely with new water every week and it hasn't been a problem. If fact, they swim around a lot after the water changes so I think they like it. I'm a little concerned the old aquarium water could hurt your what if your aquarium fish are slightly sick? or if there is a harmful bacteria in the water. Walmart fish are typically less than healthy, and I wouldn't be surprised if their immune systems are weakened, so I'd think fresh water (even from the tap) with some declorinator (left to sit overnight to get rid of the pesky tap water bubbles) would be a good idea.
correct, you don't really want to use old tank water with bettas....they do best in fresh, dechlorinated water really - and if you think about it, by introducing old tank water you are already introducing higher nitrates than tap water (most likely), so you'd have to clean the tank more often, too
Alittle late......But he seems to be thrivingIf I notice anything, I have asecond tank that has fresh water thast I could put him in......

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