New betta, slightly swollen?


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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I purchased a new betta fish, an adult male with a lot of spunk. He is currently residing in my hospital tank while I monitor him. I have a fake leaf suction cupped near the surface to provide a resting area and he really seems to like hanging on it. I attempted to feed him a small blood worm pre-soaked and he ate half and returned to his leaf. I removed the remaining food. I noticed his tummy looks slightly bloated but it hasn't increased in size in the past four hours. Could this be constipation? He swims off the leaf if I turn his light on but otherwise hangs up near the top to breath. I've not seen any pine-coning or loss of color so far. I see no red lesions, but he is a very dark blue so it'd be hard to see. I went to the store and bought a broad medicine just in case, haven't used it yet as I'm waiting. I'm not sure if he was fed the same day when I purchased him from my LFS. Sorry, just trying to be very careful with him so maybe I'm just overreacting :)

He is in a new tank so I know it will take him a while to adjust, but he does react promptly if I turn on his light or get close to the tank to peer at him so no signs of lethargy!
Don't feed any bloodworms as they can cause bloating. He might not be used to them. Start off very gradually.
Feed him some cooked shelled peas. Also daphinia helps with contipation.
Keep a look out for when he goes to the toilet.
Don't feed any bloodworms as they can cause bloating. He might not be used to them. Start off very gradually.
Feed him some cooked shelled peas. Also daphinia helps with contipation.
Keep a look out for when he goes to the toilet.
I think I was just worrying. He's less bloated today after I got home from work and he is still swimming around and flaring like crazy when I turn on the light. I'm still going to fast him till tomorrow just in case. I'll try the pea tonight and see if he eats any just in case :)
That good to hear. Did you manage to get him to eat any peas?
I can understand your worries with just losing a betta.
He swam up to the pea and ate a bit and immediately spat it out. He then proceeded to flare at me and then swim to his log to rest from his tantrum. Unlike my departed Susan, he has no liking for peas :|

He is no longer swollen and seems to be adjusting to his tank. He likes to fight the current on the filter just so he can stay near the top to watch me when I'm in the room, so I'm still looking for a new filter as the current one is far too odd to baffle effectively. He hasn't been fed for about three days but I intend to go to the store this evening and purchase some alternative foods. Hopefully I can find some of this daphnia for if he gets constipated again! I'll try to get a picture as soon as he holds still for more than three seconds :D!

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