New Betta in tank!


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2005
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Well since Tony died I asked today if I could get a female betta while buying some shoes and all.Dad said yes and I got Sunshine!She`s a dark red betta with red fins,my dad suggested her since she was really active and said whenever I pick a fish,it dies :X So now she`s in the 20 gall.Her and Valerie are trying really hard to show each other who the boss is ;)
I think you should get 2 more to spread out the aggression...
I thought it was unwise to have more than one betta in the same tank, regardless of their sex, unless they were mating???
I guess I am confused now. Below is the link to my post from last week about 3 bettas (2 female & 1 male) in a 5 gallon. Granted, that is a much smaller tank but the comments in general pretty much led me to believe that more than one was a big no no. Rachael, you even posted that it wasn't a good idea.
you need at least 10 gal for a female community in order to have enough room for 4-5 bettas. a 5 gal could only have 2-3, and they would probably kill each other off (and they would really have anywhere to hide!)

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