New Betta for me

Hi Rose,

Thanks for the reply, i have 3 females 2 of which are showing the stripes that you mention. I have been conditioning the females and male now for 10 days so soon i will try again. Is it worth while to just put the female into the tank and observe what happens. The one thing i dont want to happen is the male to injure or kill the female when i am not there. (bedtime) :D .

Any thoughts.

That's one of those things that may or may not happen. I think that if you have enough places for her to hide after the spawing that she may be ok. (I'll see if I can find some more info on this part today.) The other thing is it may not be the male that does the killing. Some females are just a nasty as the males can be. Breeding bettas is a risky thing to do to the fish. It dosen't really matter how you boil it down. Rose 8)
Hi Rose,

I will let you know how i get on.

Hi Rose / folks

Just giving you an update on my breeding program :/ (fish that is. My breeding project at home is now finished :D ).

Well after conditioning the fish again, i placed the biggest female that i have in a jar and placed ii in the tank. The male showed signs of interest, so far, so good i thought, well then i let the female go into the tank. The male chased her around for a while, then i had to retire to bed. Next morning i observed the male still being the dominant fish. but still no bubble nest. Imagine my amazment when coming back in from work the poor male looking battered and torn and feeling very sorry for himself. The female has now been moved back to her original tank for some more conditioning. Prehaps they just like live food :laugh: and are just taking the micky out of me.

Remember what I said about the male not always being the one who does the damage. It can be the female (no wise cracks here boys) who can cause the battle damage to the male.

Breeding is a not a exact science, it's more trial and error. Before you try again let the male have some time to heal and recover. You want him in top condition anything less and you could loose him. Rose 8)

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