I just got a new betta, given to me as a gift. Not sure what specific kind it is, but I'll worry about that later. I don't have an aquarium, but he has a decent size bowl with some glass rocks in the bottom. It's the best I can do for now.
He hasn't been eating. I have Nutrafin betta food, it's flakes...he ate a few bites of it yesterday afternoon and hasn't touched it since. I went looking for reasons why he may not be eating and found that he may be too cold. I keep my house temperature around 70-72, which I've read is a little too cold for him. First I moved him to a glass table about a foot from a dim lamp but he kept flaring at the sides of the bowl and seemed really stressed, so I put him in the window sill. It's warmer there and he's calmer but still completely ignores any food. And now he flares at me anytime I go near him, probably because I've moved him too much.
What should I do??
Hi i am not much of an expert myself but i recently bough a Blue Beta Fish aka Siamese Fighting Fish, I have a checked out some infomation for you,
You do need a proper tank with a filter lamp and heater if you are from england you can go to a peter barretts if you have one nearby and get a 4ft tank with everything you need in it for £69 this is what i have.
Temperature: 75-86
pH: 6.8 - 7.4
Diet: Live foods preferable, will eat flakes and frozen foods
Social: Males cannot be kept together
Lifespan: 2-3 years
Temperature: 75-86
Although many fish keepers are aware that Bettas come from shallow waters, a key factor that is often overlooked is the water temperature. These countries are tropical, which means the water temperature is quite warm -
often reaching into the 80's.Bettas thrive on heat, and will become increasingly listless when the water temperature falls below 75 degrees F. Water temperature is perhaps the biggest argument against keeping a betta in a tiny bowl (which cannot readily be heat controlled).
Water movement should be kept to a minimum, which means that power filters and powerheads are not suitable.
In nature Bettas subsist almost exclusively on insects and insect larvae. They are built with an upturned mouth that is well suited to snatching any hapless insect that might fall into the water. Internally their digestive system is geared for meat, having a much shorter alimentary track than vegetarian fish. For this reason, live foods are the ideal diet for the betta, however they will adapt to eating flake foods and frozen and freeze dried foods.Brine shrimp, Daphnia, plankton, tubifex, glassworms, and beef heart, are all excellent options that may be found frozen or freeze dried.
u Other betta characteristics
What I like most about bettas, is that they have personalities. Each his own. They are curious, friendly and will soon know their breeder and recognize him/her. They are fast learner. They soon understand that my hand = food. Soon, whenever I put my hand in the tank, they all come swarming and they become so friendly sometimes they bug the heck out of me. Here I am trying to fish out one specific betta, and all of them come and soon it is a huge crowd and I cannot for the love of me fish just the one out, I keep getting 3 or 5 in my net. Aghhhhhhh.
I can put my hand in the tank and they will swim in between my fingers, resting on my palm. I can lift my hand up and there is the betta, relaxed and now out of his water, still on my palm… I pet them, and they seem to not mind that at all. I often stroke their bellies, right under the ‘chin’. They are very endearing and sometimes it is hard to part with them.
I was once asked if bettas can learn tricks. I don’t really know, mainly because I have never devoted the necessary time to try to teach a betta a trick. It would be an interesting experience. I know however that bettas are very good at teaching their breeders lots of neat tricks, like jumping through hoops, bending backwards, pulling their hair out, jumping up and down while making odd noises, and many more tricks that provide the bettas with hours of fun. (and you think I am kidding? Wait and you will learn all these tricks, too