New Beeta

matty d

New Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
his name is crocky!


he dont look happy in the vase i put him in

i will try and find something else!!

and the pump seems to strong!!!!!
Heya, ideally you want him in something that is 2-5 gallons. You can get small glass tanks for under a tenner so doesn't cost a fortune. You can have a look about at the posts on current killers, there are quite a few about, including one in the pinned topics. Plants are a great addition to betta tanks, they love building bubble nests around them and hanging out in them. Try to get silk ones though, not plastic, as you don't want him to rip his fins.

His fins look a little tatty - quite usual for pet shop bought bettas. Someone with more knowledge than me on meds may be able to recommend something.
Melafix is a medicine used to treat problems, in this case it will help your bettas tail recover :)
He died within the space of a day? HOW?

His tail doesn't look that bad to me and a touch of finrot wouldn't have killed him that quickly. Seeing as you had him in a vase ( why?? ) I can see no heater ( or is that it on the left? or is that something else?? ) , and you say the current seemed strong from the filter....those two combined plus the move from the shop may have caused him a lot of stress....Also did you use dechlorinator when you added the water for him?

It just seems rather odd for him to cark it so quickly. Apart from the tatty fins there doesn't seem much wrong from looking at the picture.
yikes.. his fins weren't even clamped in the picture.

are you just going to post RIP and leave? what happened? do you even know.....?

poor guy. other than some tattered fins, he looked great.
i have no idea how he died no signs like white spot or anything!!!!!!

its just really annoyed me!!!!!

it was heated to 26 c

and filted but i thing it was to strong

so i might try again but i dont no!!!

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