new baby cories


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I just got 2 new cories. My local pet store--Whities--said they were Spotted Cory Cats. They look a little like the Peppered. Are there Spotted Cory Cats? I find that sometimes the personnel don't have the names down. They're cuties.

Reading the posts on the loss of cats, I feel fortunate that my Puntilus (Is that right?) have done well. I've had pretty bad luck with the otos. Although I do have at least two doing well. One is fatter than I expected them to get.

I'm hoping that the two new cats will hang with the 3 mature ones. I got them last winter. My clown loaches and cats are hanging out sometimes.

I turned my eclispe 12 into a quarantine tank after I had to treat everyone for ich and lost a clown, and 2 green neons disapeared.

Can anyone help me with the ID on the new cories? :dunno:
Hi jollysue :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

It can sometimes get confusing when common names are used to identify fish because names can be different in different places.

This is a C. paleateus, the peppered cory. Does your fish look like it?

There are several corys called "spotted,"

And, this is a C. punctatus. Is this the others you have?

I hope this helps, and hope to see more of your posts soon. :D
Thanks for the websites. I will check them out more closely later.

None of my cories are Julies or the common stripy spotty guys.

The babies so far look closest to the peppered. They are mostly grey/silver with a pepper colored pattern. Their tails seem a little long. They are babies about an 1" 1/2". I can see some neon green speckles. Their fins remind me a little of my cockatoos: a little pre-historic.

The cories id'd as punctatus are like Julies, but they have a second wide, black stripe across their shoulders. They look nothing like the punctatus pictures on the web site.

Thanks again. I'll check back. It is 10:30 am here. I work graveyards. I'll check out the picture about fourteen hours from now. Gotta get sack time. :byebye:
Update to Inchworm: The cory id'd as a punctatus most closely resembles the brevriostris of the photos you posted. They are 2-3 "; are very shy; have a black dorsal that is grey/silver on the fin; have a black band or mask completely across and over their eyes. One came out before I left for work, and I believe it had a black band on the tail.

By comparison the babies that so far I think may be Peppered (paleatus) are very active all day and don't seem a bit shy--so far.

Thanks for these web sites. I will treasure them as sources. I am always trying to find information on my fishy garden.

I am delighted with the babies (paleatus, maybe). They are sooo social and busy. My brevriostris are very shy and freeze and hide when I come into the room. I think they went into shock when I first got them. I am delighted that they have settled down and begun to school a little.

I have been considering a bushy nose pleco. I found some for $7.50. but the shipping is $30. My local said they would starve unless I had lots of algae, but that seems unlikely since they are omnivorous. How many could I keep? I have a hundred gallon w/about 50 tetras and a pair of cockatoos. Half are under an inch and a half. Two maybe Peppered cories, three maybe brevriostris, two oto, and three clown loaches. The tetras are voracious, but sloppy eaters.


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