New Arrivals


Dec 29, 2007
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I got my two new bulldog pleco's yesterday from the LFS, both seem to be doing ok, the white one seems to scarper off when i walk past, but does come out, whereas the dark one has been constantly hiding underneath the tanks filter.

Very happy with them both :)


can i ask how much you got them for? as i seen a couple in my LFS the other day but not sure about how much they are worth
They look great. Im still after a pleco, im after a Mega clown pleco or an L141 Peckoltia snethlageae. Hoping to get one this weekend.
can i ask how much you got them for? as i seen a couple in my LFS the other day but not sure about how much they are worth

I got them for £6.95 each :) They are great, really nice looking, and right characters!

They look great. Im still after a pleco, im after a Mega clown pleco or an L141 Peckoltia snethlageae. Hoping to get one this weekend.

thanks!! I love the look of them, I couldn't goo that big, but maybe one day!
bulldog range from £4-£7 they look like nice examples
Very nice the spotted kind L187 are not seen often around here. They get a little larger then the common rubber nose. I found them are to get mine to eat waffers and other food.

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