The 180L/58G is filled with male guppiesx3 male endlersx4 and atm a comet. I am going to move the comet out of there, even though she’s very hardy and doing amazingly in the tropical temp.
She will have the 220L to herself for a while, as it cycles.
Have had it set up since the last post, so will wait a couple more weeks and then move her over and then in a couple of weeks after that get her a friend of her own kind, thinking Shubunkin.
Can I have three goldfish in 220L/58G?
Do goldfish get lonely? She definitely got depressed when she was moved into the 180L tank and it was bare. I thought she was sick, but as soon as I planted it, she did a 180* and has been her normal self since.
Would love to get another goldfish or two.
That tank will be a low tech indoor pond essentially.
70L/18G has finally been stocked, I have a female Betta and a school of neon tetras in there.
She’s extremely happy and beautiful, have planted it more heavily since this clip.
Then I have 28L/7G heavily planted stocked with ghost neo-caridina and two female endlers, one female guppy.
I find the girls just get harassed if in the big tank with the lads, so they need their own tank.
I also updated all my filtration and bought sponge filters for all of the tanks so I can retire a few powerpoints, the electric bill was insane recently. Hence the newest tank being quite low tech.