New Aquarium Puzzle

I have read nothing anywhere. Studies, etc. to suggest that they are any good at all. Feel free to poll other members but I have hardly read any posts from other who support using these bacteria boosting products. But I stand waiting to be corrected or proven wrong. Im also sure that a while back someone was going to test cycle times with different products.

ps. Xebedir, I also have a biology degree from the University of the West of England in Bristol :hey: but must admit that microbiology wasnt a big part of the 4 year course. I can tell you loads about biodiversity in sand dune environments and limpit growth in relation to realtive wave impact thou :lol: Show me a comparative study in a good scientific journal that proves they work and Ill bow down.

pps Im a primary school teacher now and have forgotten most of the boring stuff I studied.
Jonesy, while i may have to defer to you in preference for fishless cycling i do believe that bacterial addition culture products are immensely effective:

And for those of you who missed biology 101 this is why Jonesy is wrong about bacteria:

Bacteria are quite capable of surviving in the harshest enviroments: Deserts, Volcanic Lakes(subject to sudden heating and outgassing), Deep ocean near thermal vents of 4000 degree celsius and a myriad of locations such that you wouldnt believe. They are also able to go into a stasis mode, which has been found to be triggered in sudden condition change or lack of nutrients. In Nitrifying bacteria, they can be kept in this stasis mode until the resources for growth and reprodction. This is the principle of the instant culture products. They are effective, shorten your cycle muchly and mean that any fish that are in the tank during the cycle do no suffer such high values of ammonia or Nitrite.(Both within safe levels). So if you already have fish cycling: give them a chance and add a culture or two and you will notice your tank will be better for it.

Hope this helps

NB: My credibility for this statement is a Science Degree from the University of Melbourne Australia.

Well ive found them to be effective...

Thanks to every one for your input and varied suggestions and point of view on my need for help, I will persist with the fry and perform 10% water changes and although i respect jonesy's advice i will try a bacterial product in the tank.
Even if the bacteria boosting product dosent work I cant see it harming anything
Two tiny fry are not going to instantly produce loads of ammonia, if you don't want them eaten you can't really add anything else (except other fry). The bacteria will multiply as the fry grow and produce more ammonia. Keep an eye on the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate with test kits (as one of the others said, the API kits are good) and relax!
Two tiny fry are not going to instantly produce loads of ammonia, if you don't want them eaten you can't really add anything else (except other fry). The bacteria will multiply as the fry grow and produce more ammonia. Keep an eye on the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate with test kits (as one of the others said, the API kits are good) and relax!

Thanks Marcos

These forums are a great thing, My initial question has brought not only replies from people like your self in this country but also from australia and usa, Its been very informative reading the various points of view and advice given, I now have a clearer idea of where i am going with my fish keeping.

Many Thanks to you all

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