Fish Gatherer
Does anyone keep brigs and spixis toogether?
thats a very good price for them, i sold 5 babys for that on ebay lately.![]()
i keep spixi and brigs together with no problems at all, spixis like to bury in the substrate so cute
Ahh so that was you, I was gonna buy from you as well but this guy kinda owed me a favour.I had just read that brigs and spixis ate each others babies.How active are the spixis?
One other thing do you think a gold nugget pl*co would eat baby snails?
spixis arnt as active as the brigs, they spend alot of the time digging in the substrate, dont get me wrong you do see them out and about too.
as for eating each others babys i see no evidence of this at all , i have spixi and brigs in my main tank and also breeding tank.
the shrimp tank has spixi and ramshorms also with no problems.
im not sure about plecs eating snails i have a pair of bristlenoses in my main tank with my breeding spixis they dont eat the eggs and i have plenty of young in there, i have never seen them eat snails but they do like to clean there shells once in a while
Ok thanks, I know the mango and bristlenoses I have wont be a threat to my snails and im 90% sure my nugget wont be either.
Tonights the big tank makeover, just moving the last of my cichlids out into the big tank leaving my pl*cos, corys and lemon tetras(the tetras might be getting rehomed too).Then i'll move in the brigs, spixis, 2 amano shrimp and 4 ottos.I'm also changing the substrate from yellow pool filter sand to black fine grain gravel.
Oh and my 2 gold apple snails are male and female cos they have been going at it all morning