New Angels!

I didn't know bamboo could live in a fish tank... what kind is it?
Do you use Co2?
I didn't know bamboo could live in a fish tank... what kind is it?
Do you use Co2?

I think this type can, its lucky bamboo. No Co2 for me. I just put the bamboo in there, but the smaller pieces have been in other tanks for months
Hmmm i rfead somewhere that the bamboo will eventually rot if left submerged. I was thinking of doing that myself, a bamboo fish forest would look brilliant but i think their leaves need to be above the water and their roots grow like crazy.

Has anyone ever kept bamboo in their tank? If so let us know. It sounds really kool.
Space Monkey, have you thought of putting a background in your tank? Like black or something. I think the angels would look great with a black background, they'd really pop out of the tank. Lovely fish, never seen that variety before. I hope they are a pair.

I have not had experience with bamboo, but others who have kept it claim that it rotted in their tanks after a few months, very messy. However, I read in a book that bamboo canes can be used and the eventual rotting can be prevented when they are coated with a polyester resin or varnished and then placed in the tank when the coating is dry, very, very dry. It make for an interesting aquascape, especially if used with hairgrass and other plants with long-thin leaves. My rasboras are in a tank with hairgrass, and it looks very cool when they weave in and out.
Yeah, i was thinking about taking them out. Main reason why they are in there is because a bunch were sitting in a window, then i realized my mom never watered them and they were drying up, so i stuck them in the tank. I thought i read somewhere that this type of bamboo can live fully submerged, while real bamboo cant. If it starts rotting ill take it out, but i have had some in tanks for over 3 months and they are fine.
Awww hunny I'm sorry you lost Stripey. The other two are looking good though!
Distichodus Affinis.

Correct! Well, i think. I know its in the Distichodus genus, but there are a few other species that look very similar.

I agree with mad duff i think its Distichodus Affinis. Also nice angel fish, but jw has CFC ever looked at your signature lol?

Yes. CFC has seen it. Originally, he edited it to say something else, but then i changed it. :alien:

Congrats on getting him for 99 cents, he's a cutie. I want one myself but the LFS near me charges $30 ugg.
I just got rid of that fish, the affinis, he kept eating all my plants when they just started growing. My friend has him in his tank now, doing very well.

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