New angelfish only eats algae


New Member
Dec 7, 2022
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Argyll and Bute
Hello, thanks in advance for your advice. Is it normal that a small angelfish only eats algae and ignores all flakes, pellets, and frozen Daphnia? It was introduced to the tank along with the other two new angels five days ago. The other two and the existing angel have healthy appetites. It's not being bullied, it's the black one in the photo. Thanks


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On the algae, the angelfish is probably browsing the algae for food, microscopic critters, etc. This is a natural behaviour of most fish because the biofilm that develops underwater on all surfaces hosts a remarkable array of "food" items. The fish may not actually be eating the algae itself. But it might, not saying definitely.

On the other foods, how do you know it is not eating? Does it show absolutely no interest in those foods, or does it take them and appear to spit them out?
Thanks Bryon,
When the others are eating the food, it looks at the food at first, then it swims through the others and the food to peck the plants. It's stomach looks like it's been eating. But it's pretty much pecking vat algae strands most of the time.
There could be a health issue here, other members with greater experience with these will be able to advise.
What does the fish's poop look like?

Try other types of frozen foods like brineshrimp, bloodworms and raw/ cooked prawn. You can also try it on live brineshrimp. If it ignores live brineshrimp, there is something going on.
Colin _T,
The poop is very dark green almost black so I assume that's the algae.
I should have live brine shrimp hatched tomorrow.
In the wild angels eat a lot of plant matter though she should eat some protein. My angel gobbles down zoo med sprinklua 20 (a flake heavy in plant matter) along with fluval bug bites.

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