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That One Guy
May 25, 2019
Reaction score
On the banks of the Yellowstone
I logged out of The Great TFF Forum a minute ago and noticed that the speed dial icon on my screen had changed . TFF is always improving and doing things to make things nice . TFF has a look and features that you will not find on any other forum out there in the inter-webby world . If you are not now a Supporting Member please consider doing so . Nothing is cheap or free and this is costing somebody a lot of time , effort and money to make it nice for you .
In the last few days, a Home page has been introduced and 🔥 for 'hot threads' - those which have a lot of posts quickly.
I noticed the new home page! Although the "photos" bar on that page seems a little funky. I expected it to be the same as the gallery page, but upon further inspection it seems to just be a random sample of photos posted to the forum over the years? I got one from 2008 lol.
edit: and now from 2005!
The admins have said that the Home page is mainly for new members to see what the site is about rather than just see a list of forums.
I logged out of The Great TFF Forum a minute ago and noticed that the speed dial icon on my screen had changed . TFF is always improving and doing things to make things nice . TFF has a look and features that you will not find on any other forum out there in the inter-webby world . If you are not now a Supporting Member please consider doing so . Nothing is cheap or free and this is costing somebody a lot of time , effort and money to make it nice for you .
Is there any other way to join other than PayPal? When I purchase things on my apple iPad it normally just ask me for my passcode and I pay that way. I do not have a PayPal account. Thank you.🐡

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