New Amano Shrimp Added


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2012
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I have just added 6 amano shrimp to my Fluval 240l tank, other inhabitants are 12 Zebra Danio and 6 mollies. The danios are going wild chasing the shrimp all over (the shrimp are bigger than the danio!) is this normal? will it die down when they all get used to each other?

I didn't realise how cool shrimp are - man they are fast! :lol:
shrimps are awesome!!,i am completly in love with mine! i added 3 amano shrimps about 2 weeks ago to our tank with 5 danios! they are such funny little dudes,out they come at feeding time,grab a wafer and run off with it,holding it tightly till they get to there bogwood where they stash it!

anyhoo, i dont remember too much chasing going on when i added ours,but we got 2 ballsy little fellas,that dont take no rubbish from any fishys. They are all really happy now,and if i shine a torch into the tank,they come out looking to see whats going on!
it all appears to have calmed down now, feeding time was an experiance with the danio, mollies and shrimp fighting for the algae wafers, i think the shrimp won on points!
amanos take no prisoners at feeding time in this house :)

cool little dudes!
Luzz my amano skrimps..

interesting fact: when they crawl out of a tank and dry up and get stuck to the floor, they turn red!!

Who knew :nerd:

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