New Agassizi


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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Today I went to the lfs to get replacement cockatoos for the ones that died on Tuesday. When I got to the store the fish had come in as I was told but there were no cockatoos. Instead, the store owner almost insisted that I take a pair of agassizi. Now, of course I could have said no and I told him that I was aprehensive, but he told me he thought the agassizi was a better fish and was more confident in the stock. There was no charge for a pair anyway so I gave in to his "reasoning".

Now, the fish are beautiful and I would normally have no regrets about keeping them. I do have a few concerns however. As far as I know these fish are more sensitive to water conditions than cockatoos so if I had trouble keeping the cockatoos what's going to happen with the agassizis?

Also, immediately when I put the fish in the tank, the female hid. She also seemed to have some trouble swimming or more appropriately I should say she swam in an unusual way. She was able to swim very quickly sideways. I wasn't sure if she was having trouble or this was her preference. The male stayed in open water and my female cockatoo immediately started harrassing him. I'm not familiar with spawing behavior so it is possible she was trying to mate (which is impossible, right?). But it looked more like aggressive behavior than mating. I'm just a little worried she might bully him causing him to stress out.

My final concern is regarding the female cockatoo. In a 30 gallon tank I would imagine that having two species of apistogramma is not ideal. That means the poor female cockatoo is destined to be an old maid. Would it be so terrible if I were to get another male cockatoo or is that just asking for trouble? When I asked the store owner he said there was plenty of room in the tank, but from all I've read and from what most people here say, I would be reluctant to have a piar of cockatoos and a pair of agassizi in the same tank.
May work in a 3 footer , there is a chance of cross breeding , not likely with a pair of each , you never can tell . :dunno: I know you've heard the whole m/f ratio , but with other apistos in the tank 1 to 1 may work well for you .

Agassizi are beautiful
So far, so good. I know you've heard that one before and I hate to get my hopes up, but this time, the male agassizi looks really good. He's not shy at all and is eating quite readily. The female, while timid, does not look too bad. I was worried for a while because I couldn't find her, but she seems to have adopted a cave as her own already. Hopefully, once she feels a bit more secure she'll come out.

So a pair of cockatoos and a pair of agassizis might work? What if I bought an extra female of one or the other of the two species? Would that do anything to counteract the aggressiveness of the male of the opposite species?

You're right, this fish is very beautiful. I hope he makes it. He's a true "showcase" fish.
This morning the female agassizi was out of her cave. I threw a little flake in to see if she'd eat and she had no trouble coming out from cover to eat a little bit. Despite my aprehension about raising these fish, I can tell already that they are much more comfortable in the tank than either pair of cockatoos I had previously.
Yeah, it looks like he did steer me in the right direction. If I could have a healthy pair of agassizis and a healthy pair of cacatouides I'd be a happy man.
I'm strongly considering buying some fish online (Double Red Cockatoos included). If I do and I get a good pair I'll let ya know...
Please do! The places to buy them online that have been recommended to me seem to have a stiff minimum. Let me know where you get them and how it works out.
I'm happy to report that the Agassizis are doing fine. The female seems a bit timid and spends a lot of time hanging out in a clump of plants, but I've also found her hanging out right in the front of the tank. She is pretty tiny though and may be a bit intimidated by the female cockatoo and the male agassizi. They are both at least twice her size.

The male seems to be interested in the cockatoo now. I've caught him chasing her a bit around the tank and saw them coming out of a cave together this afternoon. I wonder...
My breeder had a pair of agassizi and a pair of cacatuoides in the same tank without any problems behavior-wise. I am glad to hear that you are having a better time with these apitos.
A 75 gallon (could have been a 55 though, it was a while ago!) had some rams (pair), cacs (harem), agassizi (pair), angelfish, and some scavengers (cory cats I belive). At first the agassizi were a little territorial, but that was taken care of with time, and a few plants to break up the open waters.
My tank is only a 30 gallon, so I'd be reluctant to add another male cockatoo. I guess I'll see how it plays out over the next week or so. Neither of the females seem to have adopted their own territory yet.

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