New 6ft Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Oxford, UK

Quite experienced in keeping tropicals, but apart from a pair of Rams in my community tank, not much experience with cichlids.

I have just picked up a 6ft tank- & would really like to keep a pair of Oscars. In addition my Red tail shark would have to go in there as he has outgrown my 70G.

I am a plant lover, but I understand that they will dig up anything I put in there, so might not bother!!

Would a pair of Oscars be OK with my RTS(now 10 inches long & still growing)?

Where would you suggest I can buy them from as all of my LFS's look amazed when I ask them if they stock Oscars.

Any tips gratefully received.

hmm lucky ole you, a 6ft to play with, yes i would get oscars, should be some lfs who has them?all mine do!!!!
i would get 6<juvi>rem to exspain to fish shop you shall be returning 4 once a pair ave emerged,,,

or try looking here for oscars

yes should be ok as rts is grown up<but 10inchs? post a piccy please, never seen one that big<mine was 7inches>

you could also get some silver dollars or silver sharks or tinfoil barbs as dither fish,,,,,,,BuT dont bother with a planted theme as they will destroy that, they like to design the tank, I love oscars so iam obviously all for them,,,,

also i have a senegal birchir with mine<there great fishes to keep :good:
why on earth would you waste a 6ft tank on oscars?
dont listen to Nelly... :shifty:

firstly, a red tailed shark? 10"? sure its not a red tail catfish?

secondly, as for stocking about some Vieja?
I would get a nice Vieja Regani or Argentae in there?

maybe even a Amphilophus gramodes if you can source one...
I also like Theraps nourisatti. - really nice when their fully grown. maybe, even a pair of jaguar cichlids?
really nice fish! they absolutely love a nice planted tank too :shifty: :angry:
Nah....A lovely large group of Clown Loaches, and Bala sharks....
OI YOU LOT BU@#ER OFF :shifty:

Oscars are great cichlids as are jaguars,, i know i have both, also had a veija,,
i do know someone in wales who could be selling a breeding pair of jaguars<beautiful pair> good price :good:
im with the fruitcake! OSCARS omg if i had a 6ft i would be so bloody chuffed,
oi! Dan if you wernt welsh id give you a dig for that!! waste indeed.. :lol:
go for a proven pair.. be so well worth the money.. oh if only i could ***off in a daydream****
go with a green terror and maybe a jack dempsey with a convict and some barbs as target fish....
i do know someone in wales who could be selling a breeding pair of jaguars<beautiful pair> good price
if you fancy coming down to the vallies i have a Proven breeding pair of jaguar cichlids for sale. Show quality, male 12". Heres a pic...


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