New 64L Tank- Stocking Ideas


New Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Hi, looking for for some ideas to stock my new tank. It's a 64Litre tropical tank. Going to start with 4 Glowlight Danios and a peppered cory. Just looking to see if anyone had any ideas of interesting wee fish to add afterwards. Quite fancy a couple of marble hatchet fish and glass catfish once my tanks a bit more established.
All ideas welcome :)
Hi modarella, welcome to the forum! I like your choice of fish sofar, but I suggest you get more of each. For the cories, because they like to be in groups and it is lovely to see them searching the substrate in formation. Get about 5 or 6.

Then the danios, lovely fish and the larger the group, the more they stand out. I would get a group of about 10 in total.

I would go for the hatchet fish, but do you have a good lid? This is indispensable for these fish...

Btw, is your tank cycled?
It's the Fish box 64, really solid hinged lid. Haven't set the tank up yet, but it will be cycled. I work for a major pet retailer, we stock loads of fish so I've been asking customers when im selling fish and my colleagues, most of whom keep fish. Just trying to get an idea of what would look nice and work well. Quite fancy some male dwarf gouramis. Someone said I should get a plec, but it would outgrow the tank waaaay too quickly. Also, what is your filter preference? Under gravel with a power head or an internal?
It's the Fish box 64, really solid hinged lid. Haven't set the tank up yet, but it will be cycled. I work for a major pet retailer, we stock loads of fish so I've been asking customers when im selling fish and my colleagues, most of whom keep fish. Just trying to get an idea of what would look nice and work well. Quite fancy some male dwarf gouramis. Someone said I should get a plec, but it would outgrow the tank waaaay too quickly. Also, what is your filter preference? Under gravel with a power head or an internal?
I got the same tank :)
Lucky you! I love gouramis, but wouldn't go with the dwarfs. I had these fish for many years, but they are so inbred that they are very prone to diseases (due to stress). Instead I would go for the somewhat smaller but as colourful honey gouramis (colisa chuna).

For the filter choice: I wouldn't go with an UGF as you can only use course gravel with it as a substrate. Your cories won't like this. Have you thought about a HOB (hang on back) filter? They provide nice current and don't take up space in your tank...
It's the Fish box 64, really solid hinged lid. Haven't set the tank up yet, but it will be cycled. I work for a major pet retailer, we stock loads of fish so I've been asking customers when im selling fish and my colleagues, most of whom keep fish. Just trying to get an idea of what would look nice and work well. Quite fancy some male dwarf gouramis. Someone said I should get a plec, but it would outgrow the tank waaaay too quickly. Also, what is your filter preference? Under gravel with a power head or an internal?
I got the same tank :)

Me too, seems an ok tank but I know nothing so far! Just doing my cycle.
Cheers for the response guys: Blulu- thats good to know about the Gouramis, I'll look into it! It comes with the Interpet PF2 filter which is fine, i'm going to use it and see how it works out in keeping the water clear and cost wise although my staff discount is going to help! I'm currently rearranging my living room to accommodate the tank and cabinet. I'm going to go with a fine, almost pebble shape gravel, they seem to like the size and smoothness of it instore.
To anyone who has got this tank I'll say one thing- lighting. Pick either the daylight or moon light and buy a second bulb as the two lights give a really seperated look when on! A fish keeping friend of mine warned me of this as he has the tank too!
It's the Fish box 64, really solid hinged lid. Haven't set the tank up yet, but it will be cycled. I work for a major pet retailer, we stock loads of fish so I've been asking customers when im selling fish and my colleagues, most of whom keep fish. Just trying to get an idea of what would look nice and work well. Quite fancy some male dwarf gouramis. Someone said I should get a plec, but it would outgrow the tank waaaay too quickly. Also, what is your filter preference? Under gravel with a power head or an internal?
I got the same tank :)

Me too, seems an ok tank but I know nothing so far! Just doing my cycle.
I put fish in the tank before it had cycled and read about it after and now i want rid of them so i can do my cycle its 3 cichlid convicts
It's the Fish box 64, really solid hinged lid.

Its got a really good lid, but there is a gaping hole at the back.

Make sure you put the plastic cover across the tank top under the lid(Took me ages to realise that this was in the box, thought it was just packaging
Decided to get the 120L. Yeah, the condensation tray needs to be at the back or the fish can hop out lol
It's the Fish box 64, really solid hinged lid.

Its got a really good lid, but there is a gaping hole at the back.

Make sure you put the plastic cover across the tank top under the lid(Took me ages to realise that this was in the box, thought it was just packaging

I got this tank yesterday, glad I saw the above as I didn't realise the large space at the back either !

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