New 64l Tank...a Few Problems

There are 2 types of ammonia processing bacteria. One grow when ammonia is at really high levels IE. above 8ppm

And the other type is the one we want which grows at below 8ppm. There is a possibility that your ammonia was so high that the wrong bacteria took hold in the beginning. This would clearly set back your cycle.

Eitherways, it'll cycle as fast as it cycles. But letting the ammonia reach up to 0.50-1 is pretty bad. I presume it's overnight? Have you actually tested how long it takes to go from 0.25 to 0.5?
There are 2 types of ammonia processing bacteria. One grow when ammonia is at really high levels IE. above 8ppm

And the other type is the one we want which grows at below 8ppm. There is a possibility that your ammonia was so high that the wrong bacteria took hold in the beginning. This would clearly set back your cycle.

Eitherways, it'll cycle as fast as it cycles. But letting the ammonia reach up to 0.50-1 is pretty bad. I presume it's overnight? Have you actually tested how long it takes to go from 0.25 to 0.5?

Ah rite, I see. This is all new to us so we don't really know.

Its roughly about 12hrs, maybe a little bit more.

So you think its normal that the filter is not yet dealing with the ammonia? We just thought it was strange. Do you think Ammonia Remover would help? We've seen that in our LFS.
Just an update on this our tank is now perfect and finally cycled a few month ago since then we havent added any new fish (none have died) but today we bought some real plants to go in it and a few more fish (4 lampeyes and another female molly)

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