New 63L Nano


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
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I've acquired a used Fluval Uno from a neighbour who had an upgrade for her tropicals, so I'm going to use it as a step-up from my Fluval EDGE Marine tank, and find my clown a lady friend :)

Stock plans are just more LPS corals and a few softies, and a second clown. I have the lighting for SPS so I might give them a go. I'll be moving everything from my EDGE into this once it's cycled, (Dark Occ. Clown, Yellow Clown Goby) so most of the gear will come from that.
I'm going to be adding a second Koralia Nano for flow, and I'm going to get a TMC V2 PowerBox 100 for external filtration. It needs a new heater too.

Here's some shots of it anyway after I picked it up, it needed a good scrub because it had been sat a while. I even got a free little 2-gallon tank with it if I need to QT something, or want a tiny little Pico again :p




Tiny tank

That top one is the same as my nano tank :)
That was a quick upgrade :p loving that little tank :good: Ok, I will be the wicked person to tell you :devil: two clowns need a minimum of 20 gallons, which is around 90 litres
I'd imagine apart from my CUC and the shrimps, they're going to be the only fish as I've watched my clown and my goby bickering recently.

Any ideas on LR formations?
All Salty and rocky :p

I'll be using Dr. Tim's one and only to get this tank going, as I need to close down my EDGE quickly.

I'll been emailing the company and had emails from Dr.Tim himself regarding how to go about things. I'll be starting to move the stock tomorrow morning, I'll keep things posted as I go.

I sat and watched all that video and dont really know where to start:

Lets start with cycle in a tank with Live rock:

Live rock nearly always has some die off, which causes an ammonia spike, the ammonia is then used by nitrItes and in turn is then used by NitrAtes - when you have, no ammonia or nitrites and your nitrate has spiked at around 50 your cycle is complete. So, the bacteria is already on your live rock.

If you have a tank with only sand and rock (not live) as in the video, there is no bacteria, so you need a way of adding ammonia, to kick start the process. Now Dr Timm can argue that his tanks cycle because of the bacteria he adds, but others might argue it is because he added ammonia and in some cases fish :sick: which caused ammonia.

The two clowns that were added to the large tank, would have very little impact on a tank of that size, so you might argue that the owners stats would be what you would expect as there was little bio load, he also didnt mention if he did water changes!

I was also a little frustrated to say the least that a sign kept popping up saying No damsels, what the hell do they think Clowns are :grr:

So, my opinion would be, keep your money in your pocket and do things properly, there is no need to rush. Most peoples cycle take nowhere near 40 days as was suggested, more like a week to 14 days if you have live rock.

Live rock really is the heart and lungs of a healthy reef tank, dont skimp on this

Seffie x
Ok, first, sorry for not updating this in a very long while.

After all the varied opinions and controversies, Dr. Tim's one and only worked, I had no noticeable spikes in any of the tests I did throughout the past month.

Anyway, I've got a video I did with my Handycam which needed a run in, hope you enjoy it :)
oh i cant believe i looked!!

its lush btw! x

dont be scared schotty... its the most enjoyment youll ever have with a tank.. hard work? yep. worth every tear and drop of sweat? oh yes!
Hey Murloc, i think this would look good in the Marine Journal section now!

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