New 60g Planted Journal

Looks great, if you keep the hydro trimmed it will form a dense bushy carpet between those rocks, I love hydro. :)
wow, this looks great!
i think a little OTT on the sand though, anymore and there wont be any water in the tank :L
what type of background are you thinking of?

I know, I had to build it up a lot though just to get the slope in there bc it settled so much when I added water. Im pretty pleased with it though and I really cant picture it without my hill :)

Looks great, if you keep the hydro trimmed it will form a dense bushy carpet between those rocks, I love hydro.

I love it the hydro as well, it really made the hill and it's so different looking too. Super excited about it. Bc Im in the middle of the 40-90 watts you told me about (64 watts) I was thinking I will do ferts three times a week, should I stick to the dosing that the bottle recommends or what do you think??? and do I turn my filters off while I dose, and if so for how long? Thanks again steveo for all the help and input :)
My fish are all settling in really well, I picked up a new little school of black cories :wub: and added a couple barbs to the pack, . That will be it for a while. My water tests all look great no spiking at all. My PH is much higher than I would like, which I never realized bc I never had the high ph test, just the regular. Im thinking about adding some peat moss to see if that helps, it's worth a try. If I can get that settled then I will start to think about adding a pair of blue german rams, Im kind of crushing on them right now lol Here are the pics I was promising, took me long enough


replanted the vallis




still hard to get a shot that compares their size, they're so much smaller looking than this



new cories :wub:

You can still see the glue spots, but the flash makes it much worse than it is. Wish I could figure out the best setting to use on my camera, still not happy with the color of the tank in the pics, much better in person.

wow, this looks great!
i think a little OTT on the sand though, anymore and there wont be any water in the tank :L
what type of background are you thinking of?

Forget to respond about the background, sorry. I keep forgetting to pick one up, it's killing me. I run out to get a background, and come home with a bag of ghost shrimp and no background. I am going to get a plain black one, really thinking it will make all the green plants pop. Wish I thought about my moonlight before I attached it, I will have to move it to the inside of my hood or somewhere else, it's stuck on the top/back of the glass.
black sounds good, just open up a black bin bag and stick it to the back cheap and effective (what i use in my tanks)
Never thought about that, Ill def. give it a try. Feels silly to pay $2 a foot just for pain black. lol
my tanks have all got it, i picked the tip up from minnnt :p
thanks for passing it along, I was going to buy trash bags tomorrow too, so you had perfect timing :)
Just a quick concern about angels and barbs. keep an eye on your angels fins you may need to rehome the angels or the barbs if these come into conflict. Tank look fantastic though. I have also heard about the deep sand and the fact you should agitate it.
Just a quick concern about angels and barbs. keep an eye on your angels fins you may need to rehome the angels or the barbs if these come into conflict. Tank look fantastic though. I have also heard about the deep sand and the fact you should agitate it.

Iv had my larger angel and barb for quite some time, and my angel actually keeps them in line lol and the new little angels seem to do the same as well, I still always keep an eye on things though, especially with the new little barbs (they do need to learn some manners) but so far, no problems. Every couple days I get my wooden skewer out and look for air bubbles, just to make sure :) Thanks for the heads up though, I appreciate it.

What fert are you dosing?

Seachem Flourish. Directions say to use 5 ml a week, so should i split that amount up or what? Also, have you heard of fish having any reaction to ferts before? Ive noticed a little flashing, but I can't see any other signs of anything. water tests are great, except the high ph (8.0) but it's always been that high so it's not anything new.
I'd chuck in 1ml a day then. A little more wont do harm, there is nothing toxic to fish in dosing that small.
I'd chuck in 1ml a day then. A little more wont do harm, there is nothing toxic to fish in dosing that small.

Alright. Id rather dose every day anyway lol it's exciting haha

and it might be just me, but I think my hydro has grown already

Oh by the way you can up the dose on that stuff till your plants are happy if you see any deficiencies.

Oh by the way you can up the dose on that stuff till your plants are happy if you see any deficiencies.

im just worried that they might start dying off bc Ive been dosing about 4 ml 3x a week lol we'll see though. maybe i'll do 2 ml or something. You know, I could never find a syringe that would look like it would work, Ive just been throwing in the ferts through the top of the tank. I turned off the filter too, bc I wasnt sure if the carbon would eat up the ferts. Ill take a pic tonight of the hydro and we can compare, it might just be wishful thinking
It'll be fine, it'll go mad soon, Hydro is such a fast grower.

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