New 6 1/2 Ft Tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi all just wanted to share some pics with you
this is our new 6 1/2 ft tank only pic i have of it on comp at min,


all my fish went into their old 4 1/2ft tank and i forgot to plug the heater back in and ended up with these....


cory eggs lol hope they hatch well, due in another 3 days

my new green rams



our new baby oscars tigger and bazil

one of them at feeding time, eating a frozen fish longer than him lol

hope you like them, thanks for looking
:crazy: Good pictures, but you shouldn't keep Rams in trios.
i didnt know this, but i wasnt at fault i asked the woman at the lfs for 2 she just bagged 3 without knowing i didnt notice until i got home, they seem to be ok will this change?
:crazy: Good pictures, but you shouldn't keep Rams in trios.
you should keep a trio of rams when 1 is male and 2 are femalebut I....uh... think I see.... 3 males...
how do you tell their sex?
nice tanks do you know hes only got 3?thats a very short tank shot to make asumptions so quick......give the man a chance....
im a woman!! lol would i be best keeping them in bigger groups or is that worse?
Nice tank. Wonderful oscars.
Lovely new tank, i'm sure the oscars will be very happy in there :good: .
nice tank :good:
thats for you comments everyone
thanks guys, yeah as soon as i saw the rams i wanted them they are sooo cute, but will they be ok just the three of them they seem to get on ok
I so want to come to your and steal your tank. :rolleyes:

I am going to start putting £100 away each month. then maybe even treat myself to a brand new one :hyper:

Totally love it. :D


if you can lift it on your own you can have it lol,

thanks, yeah it will be well worth the saving!
i said no to my partner so many times to having this tank then i just gave in im glad i did as it looks ace :drool:

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