New 55 Gallon! Suggestions?

Should be fine for angels then.

You could probably get 2, as long as they're a proven pair. Other wise just one.
May I suggest rummy nose tetras? :3
Some big tetras like hatchets, some L numbered plecos and corydoras
Columbian tetra? They get to around 2.5 inches and are gorgeous when adult, I've just added some to my 55gal
TallTree01 said:
If its a traditional 55 long it'd be 48Lx18Wx24H inch.
A traditional 55 long is actually 48Lx14Wx22H, your dimensions would be for a 90 gallon tank.
DerpPH said:
Some big tetras like hatchets, some L numbered plecos and corydoras
thats actually what i was thinking of marbled hatchets actually.
start up a tiger barb kind of tank :)
very interesting fish, very lively and there is plenty of different colours :p
these are the best:
tiger barb
green tiger barb
albino tiger barb
yea but i love livebearers i know i have a problem but i dont know if i could put a swordtail with the barbs either
I think a community tank looks best when all levels of the tank are occupied.
I would personally go with:
-8 hatchetfish (surface of tank)
-8 Tetras of choice (mid water)
-2 angelfish (mid water centrepiece)
-8 cories of choice (bottom)
-1 or 2 Plecos depending on size, if you can afford one I would go for a blue phantom Pleco!

If you like livebearers you could do a central American tank instead with say 6 swordtails, 12 blind cave tetras and 4 rainbow cichlids 
wrightt3 said:
I think a community tank looks best when all levels of the tank are occupied.
I would personally go with:
-8 hatchetfish (surface of tank)
-8 Tetras of choice (mid water)
-2 angelfish (mid water centrepiece)
-8 cories of choice (bottom)
-1 or 2 Plecos depending on size, if you can afford one I would go for a blue phantom Pleco!

If you like livebearers you could do a central American tank instead with say 6 swordtails, 12 blind cave tetras and 4 rainbow cichlids 
i like the first ine but could i replace the second group of tetras with swordtails?
Livebearers prefer slightly higher pH were as most south American fish prefer softer, more acidic conditions.
In my opinion, pH doesn't really matter for most species provided you avoid  extremes and keep it stable but many would disagree with me so its your call.
ok i think livebearers are more expendale maybe i could get ph in the middle or somewhat favoring the angels wich i think are less hardy

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