New 50G, help!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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Check my sig my currant tanks but for xmas im gettin a new 50G, i would say im a fairly knowledgable aquarist but with this new tank i was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for what i can stock the new one on, hopefully sum fish that i dnt already have...

Any contributions are welcome :D

Scrap that! Ive just been reading this forum and i am in the presence of my superiors here. Ur all so clever as with regards fish! Lol, so agen, any help for stocking my new 50g please help me! :fun:
Well you could make it a dwarf cichlid tank :)
Another option would be 20 tiger barbs and a red tail black shark (I noticed you already have one though I suspect yours is actualy a rainbow as I've never heard of albino RTBS).
Normaly I'd suggest gouramies - pearls to be exact :p - but it seems like you already have plenty - what about thick-lipped gouramies (colisa labiosa) though? Or banded/striped/giant/indian gouramies (colisa fasciata)?
Discus perhaps? You have angels so it would be logical... :p
Hmm... just noticed you don't have moonlight gouramies either ;) You could have a nice community with moonlights, a bristlenose plec or lots of cories, or khulie loaches, or otos (or all of them :p ) and a nice large shoal of harlequin rasboras/dwarf golden barbs/black phantom tetras or possibly goldenor rosy or clown barbs for a change... For cories BTW, I'd suggest corydoras leukomelas (such beautiful contrasting colors and surprisingly hardy and active) or some ordinary bronze cories as they have wonderful color if cared for properly though they don't show it at the LFS.
You could also go for a large angel community with angels (obviously), a shoal of scissor-tail rasboras, a bristlenose plec or other smallish plec, some cories and otos and possibly a few large gouramies of your choice (maybe moonlights...).
What sort of tank are you looking for?
It looks like you already have a couple of 50g mixed community tanks. Are you interested in something totally different or are you looking for another community tank only with different fish?

Looks like sylvia listed a number of community options.

I'll nudge you in a somewhat different direction: Malawi mbuna. Take a look at this thread if you're interested. They're great fish... colorful, active, and full of personality.
Thanks for your suggestions! I'm not sure whether i want a new different community tank or something completely different, the Mbuna looks, wel sounds pretty cool.

About my albino red tailed shark, lol, it is actually an albino red tailed shark. NOT an albino lol, i dnt have any links to info but google it cos they do exist, honest :). Actually i think its correct name is Albino red finned sharks, stil practically the same fish but its colouring, as expected being albino, is white/creamy unlike the rainbow sharks silvery/grey. Lol. Thanks for ur input tho, i like the ideas and theyre well apreciated :)

I've actually been given it early, it had been set up whilst i was at school and so i came back and it was just there!!!! I was soo pleased. To shorten the cycling process i filled it up partially with water from my other 2 tanks and then filled the rest up. It still needs to be cycled tho and so i went out and bought 6 zebra danios to be my cycling fish and the decor (basically sum gravel, loadsa live plants and a small little underwater romanesque ruin, its like a whole city! I asked my parents why id got it early and they said it was because they thought it would be nice for my cycling to be nearly done by christmas so that for christmas i could get some fish for it! How nice of them! :D Anyways so now i have a third 50G tank filled up, decorated, with 6 zebra danios in there so hopefully jst before or maybe just after xmas (my cycling had a head start cos of the water from other tanks used) i will be able to buy my first fish for it! Woopee!

So now i really need suggestions cos this tank will need some inhabitants sooner than i first thought!
Your plans sound good so good luck with finding your preffered set-up and species :)

About the shark. I did realise you meant albino red tail black shark. What I was trying to say is that I've never heard or seen an albino RTBS so I thought it more likely you had an albino rainbow (some people call these red-finned) shark - I didn't mean an ordinary rainbow. :p
get a black ghost knife. you'll need to upgrade in a year or two but he will be fine in a 50 for a long time. plus you can put your angels and perl in with him and have a nice looking tank.

my other suggestion wold be to thin out the other 2 50's into your new one.
Hmmm, ive been thinking about thinning out my others cus whilst they are perfectly stocked and in no danger of overstocking i love the look of a fairly empty aquarium lol. This way the fish look more at home with more space. I would really like some sort of eel??? Not sure on how possible that is. Are ther any type of eels which you can house in a 50G, i was thinking a fire eel but they grow quite large. If i get an eel, it would be the only inhabitant. Any ideas?

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