New 50 Gallon 4 Footer

I would love to have dwarf cichlids as a center! I thought cichlids were semi agressive so i didnt mention them. But if they are calm then perfect! So like 8 hatchets, 8 rasboras, a couple dwarf cichlids, and then a shoal of some sort of catfish or loach? Btw would a guppy or two be a No-go? Thanks guys! Love the help
Dwarf cichlids would be fine - if they spawn they guard their eggs and get more testy, but most of the dwarves won't bother other fish during that time other than keeping them away. There have been some reports here and there of a few specific fish being aggressive towards other non-dwarf cichlids, but people have them in community tanks all of the time. The problem often comes with too many dwarves for one tank, as aggression is more common to other dwarves.

Look into Bolivian Rams, Apistogramma, Laetacara (like wills mentioned above), Keyholes, or Dicrossus. I have just recently added a pair of Dicrossus to my tank, and I love them - and they have a reputation for being very peaceful. I've also heard that the Keyholes are very peaceful, but I've never had them. But I do think that you could do any of these in your tank.

You could also do Kribensis, but they have more of a reputation for aggression during breeding - I haven't had them but have read that it depends on the setup and the individual fish personalities.

Just confirming your tank size - is it 55 gallons? I thought that 55 gallons were the 4-footers... If that's the case, I think your last list is understocked and you can add more fish.

10-12 marbled hatchets
15 rasboras (they also like buddies and I personally think they look better as a larger group)
dwarf cichlids (# depending on which you like)
Some sort of catfish or loach - # would depend on what you choose.

You could possibly add another schooler, and/or up your hatchets depending on what you figure out that you want. If you don't care where the fish come from, (ie trying to get mostly South American fish) then just look for fish that appeal to you - get a list together and we'll go from there. :)

There are also farlowella "twig" catfish - they eat algae and are cool looking. They looove plants so you'd really have to commit to a well-planted tank for them. Or you could do whiptail catfish - also very cool looking! Or banjo catfish. Or... hahaha

Edit: Just saw your guppy question and I know nothing about them so hopefully someone else can answer that for you.
Odds are most cichlids well either eat the guppy or damage their fins. You could possibly try a couple and see how everyone's temperaments are, but obviously I wouldn't recommend adding your favorite two...also...4 foot tanks are typically 55 gallons. Beings this is a planted tank, you might have luck with the guppies do to hiding options, the fry would never have a chance if they breed though...
Thanks so much, so im thinking 10 hatchets, 10 tiger barbs, 10 danios, a couple dwarf cichlids, a couple mollies and loaches. Are loaches as social as catfish. Do they need more than a couple?
I think this would look awesome:

3 Sunset Gourami
6 Bosemani Rainbow fish
6 Emeral Green Cory
10 Cherry Barb

Very colorful tank IMHO.
I think this would look awesome:

3 Sunset Gourami
6 Bosemani Rainbow fish
6 Emeral Green Cory
10 Cherry Barb

Very colorful tank IMHO.

Very good taste in fish bit for me the Bosemani are a little big and active for this foot tank - ideally you want them in large 4 foot or a good sized 5 foot. BUT a good alternative would be dwarf neon rainbows :)

And again the Emerald Green Cories a little big for this size tank but it may be okay... Maybe smaller Panda Cories, a bit of a contrast but the black and white would be nice with the other fish here :)

Can I suggest Golden Eye Cichlids (Nannacara anomala)? They are lovely little cichlids with big personality, in my experience. The males are a lovely iridescent blue and green with orangey shine, and the females are orange with black stripes. They also have the blue/green iridescence in their fins. I love those little fish and will be getting some for my tank if I manage to find them. I have had them with gourami, banded barbs, danios, platies, BN pleco, and others and the only scuffling I have seen was between the two (the female chasing the male away). That was sorted out easily with a change of cave positions.
My buddy said to keep his rainbows happy he put in a power head to create current. His rainbows swim against said current. at 3:40~ is an awesome tank!

One day I wanna build myself a 220 or something like that...
Wow! Watched 12 minutes of grace and beauty. Love the rasboras and the rainbows, they are very active. Are the rainbows very peaceful. Because cichlids are ussualy peaceful but might attack tiny fish. Basically im asking are rainbows, danios, rasboras mollies, hatchets and kuhli loaches acceptable tank mates with a couple guppies? (I know i have to be careful about mollie and guppies sexing so they dont x breed),6:200909300030:,6:200911161252:,10:200909300041:,12:200909300144:

Found this tool it said I could add a little bit more so I put in 12 Neon Tetras...I think this tank would look amazing.
Mollies and guppies don't typically hybridize, so don't worry. Everything you listed is fine, except the tiger barbs.
Thanks so much, so im thinking 10 hatchets, 10 tiger barbs, 10 danios, a couple dwarf cichlids, a couple mollies and loaches. Are loaches as social as catfish. Do they need more than a couple?

i'd avoid the tiger barbs, they can be real PITAS. i'd keep atleast 3 loaches at a minimum depending on the type.

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