New 5 1/2 gallon


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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I just bought a 5.5 gallon glass tank, and i was wondering what i should put in it (no saltwater) i was thinking of putting in a pair of goldfish, or making another tropical tank (i already have a 10 gallon) right not im cycling the tank, so i won't be getting the fish anytime soon, so suggestions are needed :)
i was thinking about betta, but i was hoping i could do something different with this tank, like some weird fish or something different
what are the two biggest fish that i can fit in it? just wondering....
you could probably put a betta in there, with some dwarf frogs. or maybe a trio of male guppies? that would be colorful. or a male and two females if you wanted to breed them.
im in the same situation currently except im with a 29g now cant decide was thinking some african cichlids possibly - or uhm yellow lab,Electric Yellow Cichlid basicaly something compatible with kribs since i want to breed them i dont know if they would be ok to breed in my other tank currently (but yet...still searching for a female krib)
nino said:
you could probably put a betta in there, with some dwarf frogs. or maybe a trio of male guppies? that would be colorful. or a male and two females if you wanted to breed them.
Id go for a betta and a couple of ADF's too! ADF's Rock :cool:
Make it a heavily planted tank. I mean HEAVY. Then add 3 or 4 otos with maybe 3 or 4 pencilfish, small tetra, or cleaner shrimp for a "hint" of life in your aquatic garden.

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