New 4ft Cichlid Set-up


New Member
Jan 5, 2008
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Hi everyone
I am expecting delivery of my New 4ft Aquarium and stand during the week and I am really hoping to start a New World Cichlid Aquarium
Does anybody have any advice on which fish I should go for and stocking levels please I seem to like the bigger size Cichlids so was hoping on a couple of stunners and then a bottom dweller etc
Which fish are compatible for the size of my Aquarium I bet I cant keep a Jag or a Green Terror or a Jack dempsey if I cant you may hear me crying (lol)
any help with this will be greatly appreciated
All the very best
4 foot as in 55g, 75g, or...? Makes a big difference. If it's a 55g, then you may be looking at a single largish fish; a jd, for example (this is for life). 75g moves you up to a single gt, jag, or a jd with a smaller fish (maybe a female sal, for example). You can have more fish as they're growing out, of course, but eventually you run into territorial issues. An alternative is a pair of fish (male-female) which get along (sometimes the male will actually kill the female if she's not "in the mood"), but that's another whole can of worms. I think the jag is out of the question unless it's a pair - generally too big and too aggressive. Yes, I'm being very conservative here, and it IS possbile to get away with heavier stocking if you're willing to take some chances and are keeping close tabs to rescue fish that are getting pummeled.
I am not a pro at this but I keep the lesser agressive Severum with Rainbow fish, an Opaline Gourami, and am adding a Festivum. Mine is 75 Gal.

I too admire the Jacks ! I think these can be kept with Firemouth(s) which are smaller and really colorful. I am sure others will be around with suggestions.

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