New 40Gal Tank... Thoughts, Opinions????

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I agree... What are the bronze colored plants? All I have in my tank right now are green plants and I would like to add another plant with a slightly different color like bronze/red, etc.. But from what I hear, a lot of red plants require High Light...
Next time i go down to the store.... I work their now :) ill let you know.
Looking good so far! I love the driftwood. Two suggestions for you:. Add a background to your tank....Black is a great color, it makes the plants "pop" and look more vibrantly green. It also hides any cords behind the tank. You can use black poster board or card stock, or even a black trash bag. Also, a few floating plants would look nice as well. Both the background and the floating plants will also help make your fish feel more secure and relaxed.

What is the GH and pH of your water? This will determine what species of fish you can add.
Black background is the plan and what sort of floating plants would you suggest?

GH is always a trouble i have... everybody asks what it is but i`m not sure how to find out... My test kit which is meant to be a full one i thought has... PH, High Ph, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate
My PH is 7-7.4
GH you only need to find out for your tap water, as it is not going to change much. Look up the website of your water authority, it may be posted. Or you can call them; get the number and their unit of measure (there are different). No point in spending money for a GH/KH test and using it once.

Floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris cornuta), Frogbit, Water Lettuce; the stem plant pennywort is nice left floating.
Honey gourami, rummy nose and Harlequin`s. :)
Cool id add the rummys last, they can be a bit sensitive to newer tanks and sensitive in general but ive found once established are hardy fish as long as water is clean and soft.
One of my all time favorite fish. Good luck.
GH you only need to find out for your tap water, as it is not going to change much. Look up the website of your water authority, it may be posted. Or you can call them; get the number and their unit of measure (there are different). No point in spending money for a GH/KH test and using it once.

Floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris cornuta), Frogbit, Water Lettuce; the stem plant pennywort is nice left floating.
I like the looks of the water sprite, would i want to cover the whole top?
I like the looks of the water sprite, would i want to cover the whole top?

Get two plants, and once they settle in, they will grow. Daughter plants are produced on alternate fronds (this is a true fern so the "leaves" are actually fronds) and you can detach them and grow them up, throw out the larger plants, etc, for years. It is up to you, but this is without doubt one of if not the best aquarium plants because of its rapid growth using up nutrients and purifying the water.
Get two plants, and once they settle in, they will grow. Daughter plants are produced on alternate fronds (this is a true fern so the "leaves" are actually fronds) and you can detach them and grow them up, throw out the larger plants, etc, for years. It is up to you, but this is without doubt one of if not the best aquarium plants because of its rapid growth using up nutrients and purifying the water.
oh wow that seems pretty awesome... for sure getting some just got to figure where i can get some.

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