New 38 Gallon Tank

Your original stocking plan sounds fine, although I would replace the firemouth with a smaller and more peaceful cichlid, and increase the amount of yo-yo's to 4-5.
Chestnut, how long have you had your morays in freshwater? They NEED salt!
Thanks for all the info. I will think twice about the Firemouth. What other fish would you suggest. I would like a fish about 4-6 inches. I already have Keyholes in another tank and am looking for something different. I am glad this post has stirred up discussion. Thanks again.
One of my morays is in a 55 reef, the other is in a 33 FW. They will be rehoused, and given salt over time to become brackish. Mine are obviously juviniles, so neither of them need salt yet, and the one in FW was in the reef once before. I was forced to move the one, and he is quite fine, and he is not being put under cruelty or anything. He feeds well, and when i move i will upgrade the tanks. The gymnothorax morays are actually brackish, which explains why they can go in salt and fresh. But as adults, they do need some salt. That wont be for awhile though, but i am not willing to push it, and they will be brackish as soon as possible. There is another thread discussing this, dont screw this one up. I proved everyone there wrong too.

For a dociler cichlid, try maybe a blue acara. They are extremely slow-growing and docile as well. This is not a big shift from the keyholes though. Firemouths are not all that mean though, they may kill loaches however. You might want to concentrate on cichlids only, so that other fish arent at risk.

Rams are pretty docile too, as are other dwarf cichlids.
Mine are obviously juviniles, so neither of them need salt yet, and the one in FW was in the reef once before. I was forced to move the one, and he is quite fine, and he is not being put under cruelty or anything. He feeds well, and when i move i will upgrade the tanks. The gymnothorax morays are actually brackish, which explains why they can go in salt and fresh. But as adults, they do need some salt.

Ok, I thought you would know as adults they need salt. But then why were you reccomending this person to get a moray for his freshwater tank if its only temporary!? I asked you how long it was in the tank because they can stay in freshwater temporarily. Most petstores label morays as "freshwater" because they usually spawn in freshwater, and thats why people would think they are true freshwater fish. The truth is that the morays travel from a salted water area up to freshwater where they spawn, then the babies live in freshwater and they then slowly go down the path that their parents took. So, when the babies grow up, they slowly get introduced to salt water, with the salinity level of their water increasing over time.
Apistogramma ramirezi?Altough I would consider a non bottom-fish as the loaches can get pretty wild and take a lot of space.
So if I get rid of the firemouths would a rainbow or red tail shark work or would the pick on the yoyos.
They both grow IMO too large for 38 gallons, and can be aggressive especially towards bottom feeders.
Ok scratch the rainbow. I had a feeling that was the answer. If I just went with
Tiger Barbs(regular,albino,mossy) and yoyos what would be a good mix.

12 tigers
3-4 yoyos ?
When i say "prosper" i mean the fish display optimum health, normal behavior, eat well, does not have shortened life span, displays normal levels of activity and grows at normal rate to proper max size etc..
Oh yeah. You bet they do.

If my fish, or any other animal i happen to come across, is sick, injured, lost, or anything, i will give it my all to help it. If its a dog, worm, spider, anything. I can recognize an animal in distress. If the fish show any signs of distress, i will usually move them to a tank that is uncrowded. I am planning on an upgrade soon, as well.

If people ask for info, i give them what other people have told me, or the research i have done in the past. If people ask for opinions, i give them methods that work for me. I understand life enough that i can pretty much define how or what the forms need to live.

Is that statement ever bold! I am suprised my house didnt get bombed! :lol: just kidding.


(What tanks that aern't crowded? All of your freshwater tanks are crowded.) How old and large are your common plecs roughly? I am not meaning to have a go at you, but i do not think you are right either. I am sure you have a good heart as well and would help any animal in distress but that does not mean that you know how to look after the animal properly though.

I really don't think you should be telling him what to do with his fish and fishtanks. Is it not possible that all the information we study off of is just a one time thing that happens with few fish? Maybe he's discovering something new, something your years of research DOESN'T know. Don't bully him to whatyou think is standard, because it could end up not to be true, so just lay off.
A red tail shark is fine for a 38 gallon. But if you want just togers and yoyos make it 12 tigers and like 6 yoyos.
I really don't think you should be telling him what to do with his fish and fishtanks. Is it not possible that all the information we study off of is just a one time thing that happens with few fish? Maybe he's discovering something new, something your years of research DOESN'T know. Don't bully him to whatyou think is standard, because it could end up not to be true, so just lay off.

Holy crap! Thats the most supportive thing i have ever heard! That is exactly what i wanted someone to say! Thank you, that is what my lifes mission is, to make breakthrough discoveries.
(corpse fish, that last post was supporting me, right? I assume it is, since Tokis is female, and you kept saying him.)

Everyone, notice how i said on my stock suggestion that they will need to be rehoused.

A red tail shark can be housed in a 38, they are highly aggressive however. I wouldnt recommend a shark cyprinid, since they tend to be rather sensitive to water quality, and are just plain mean. I used to have one, and i loved it, however is was rather hard to contend with his aggresion.

Eels have a rather amazing migration process, especially the european ones. It is far too complicated to be explained here.

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