New 37g tank stocking and cycling questions!

I got the fish! But they aren’t what I planned to get

I got a
-baby angelfish
-4 peppermint tetras
-3 blue shrimp (lucky me one is pregnant)
-2 pure black mollies (will get 3 more)

What is the GH? You have mollies that absolutely must have hardish water, 12 dH or higher. The angelfish and tetras are soft water. Are "peppermint tetras?" the same as "Candy Cane" tetras? This is the species Hyphessobrycon sp. HY511. You need a group of 10 or more.
Yes what is the GH. Firstly Mollies are not shrimp safe. I have no clue on candy tetras but from a quick Google they seem to be fin nippers. The angel is fine but there very delicate. They may eat shrimp at full size. How did you acclimate the shrimp. Drip or temperature.

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