New 36 Gallon Bowfront

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Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2014
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So a few days back i had posted pics of my 20 gallon, taken with my phone. Yesterday was moving day for everyone into the new tank, and i used to camera this time. Never mind the wonky looking backround, I am wating til pay day to get something for the back, but didnt feel like starting at the wall through the tank, so I temporarily backed it with scrap book paper.
The whole tank
Red wag platy
Golden Wonder
Female sword, "Big Bertha"
Von Rio Tetras

Kuhli loach
A pretty tank - I really like your gravel! Subtle and calming. Is "Golden Wonder" the type of fish or the fish's name. I'm a newbie and am not that familiar with the different fish species yet :)
Golden wonder is the type of killifish that it is.

When I bought him I did so on a whim against by better judgement, without researching, he then proceeded to eat two male guppies, much to my horror. I thought of returning him then, but i'm glad I didn't, he has never eaten or harassed another fish since, and has grown into a beautiful fish.
Your golden wonder looks really nice.   I've never seen them so bright at the stores! 
You make me kick myself for not getting a bow front! Looks great =]

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