New 20 Gallon 5Th Tank!


Fish Addict
Feb 22, 2003
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So this is going to be my 5th tank, but my first planted tank! All my other tanks have different kinds of cichlids, so I am not sure what I am going to stock this one with. I am still in a rough stage right now with no plants. My plants are supposed to arrive this weekend so I can really get going. I am not sure on the hardscape right now either. Let me know what you think! I will be updating this thread as I go!
Looks great so far really looking forward to seeing it with water and plants :)
Sorry about the cloudiness but I just flooded the tank. This is what I came up with for a hard scape. Plants are coming on saturday!
what platns are you getting and how much lighting do you have do you have c02 ferts etc jsut out of curiosity
Sounds good :)
Gonna need some pics :p
As noobgamers asked, am intrigued by what plants you plan to get and any other ideas, like fertiliser , Co2 etc or just simply a nice simple low tech set up :)
Okay well here is a pic of the final hardscape I came up with. I have a pressurized CO2 setup ready to go. Not sure if I'm happy with the diffuser but I can change that later. I ended up with the Aquatek mini as the regulator. I have a new Finnex Planted+ 24/7 coming tomorrow as well as these plants:
Edit: Oh, and I have EI dosing ready to go. Also, the HOB is going away, its just seeding the canister I have running. Also, have an aqueon pro heater on the way.
Java moss
Hydrocotyle Japan
Anubias nana
Dwarf Hair grass
Dwarf baby tears
Dwarf sag
Ludwigia repens x acurata
Hygrophila Polysperma "Ceylon"
Rotala Rotundifolia
Wendtii crypt
Crypt Retrospiralis
Amazon Sword
Red melon sword
I was AMAZED at the plants I received! I got so many, I had NO idea where to put them! I also picked up a pair of GBR's and 6 Neon tetras. Not sure what my full list will be.
So...its looking amazing! I think I already have growth! At least my anubias has a little sprout on top!

Here is a 1 week update...look at the growth!!

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