New 190Ltr Corner Tank - Novice Needs Advice


New Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Hi all out there. I have recently (1 month ago) set up a new Juwel Trigon 190ltr aquarium. This is my first ever tropical aquarium. It is planted and seems to be doing very well. It has an internal bio 3 filter system and a co2 diffuser. I am testing the water on a regular basis. The fish I have added are -
6 Zebra Danios (great little fish - love them!)
2 Congo Tetra
4 Silver Sharks
4 Platys
2 Western Rainbows
1 Betta

I am now getting a bit concerned that this could be slightly too much fish as i understand the sharks can grow to a fair size? Any one with thoughts on this.
Also could anyone advise as to how often I should give the sponges a squeeze out when doing a part water change?. I used to do it weekly with my old cold water tanks but have read people do it monthly or fortnightly with tropical tanks.

Many thanks.
Hi all out there. I have recently (1 month ago) set up a new Juwel Trigon 190ltr aquarium. This is my first ever tropical aquarium. It is planted and seems to be doing very well. It has an internal bio 3 filter system and a co2 diffuser. I am testing the water on a regular basis. The fish I have added are -
6 Zebra Danios (great little fish - love them!)
2 Congo Tetra
4 Silver Sharks
4 Platys
2 Western Rainbows
1 Betta

I am now getting a bit concerned that this could be slightly too much fish as i understand the sharks can grow to a fair size? Any one with thoughts on this.
Also could anyone advise as to how often I should give the sponges a squeeze out when doing a part water change?. I used to do it weekly with my old cold water tanks but have read people do it monthly or fortnightly with tropical tanks.

Many thanks.

hi and welcome :)

they ( the sharks) most certainly will be too big for your tank yes (you might want to think about trading them for a credit note for now).. and yes that is a lot off fish.. but before anyone jumps on the bandwagon have you got your latest water test results?

tank looks lovely by the way :)
shelagh x

Sharks = too big for your tank.

Sponges = when the flow rate noticably drops.

Thanks for the advice. I tested the water today. Amonia and Nitrite were fine, the ph was about 7.6 so added some ph down and its now 7 (my tap water is 7.6 - now learnt to add ph down to it before i add it to the tank!!) Nitrate was slightly up. Did a one bucket of water change.
Another question (just to prove my ignorance) do the fish grow to the size of the tank? I read that the fish give off a hormone - the more hormone in the water the less they grow? is this right??
Welcome. I'd be very careful about messing with ph levels. It can be very dodgy to the fish. Not trying to be negative, but helpful. Many fish can cope with quite a wide ph range from what I have picked up on here, but someone with more experience will help.
Welcome. I'd be very careful about messing with ph levels. It can be very dodgy to the fish. Not trying to be negative, but helpful. Many fish can cope with quite a wide ph range from what I have picked up on here, but someone with more experience will help.
Thanks for that. If the fish will be ok with a slightly higher ph then I will leave well alone. I was a bit worried about the betta as i read they dont like an alkaline water. All advice is welcome.
I would suggest rehoming the Silver Sharks or talking to your LFS about possibly getting them back.

As for your filter, i only run a small internal filter on my nano tank as i have an external on my planted community tank. I have found i have to rinse the sponges every two week in a bucket of the water that is being taken out during the w/c. I only have 4 pygmy puffers in there but they produce alot of waste it seems for little guys :) .

I would look at getting an external for your 190ltr.
Hi astroman. I have the exact same aquarium as you...been running for a year now. Great tank!!! I actually e-mailed juwel about their internal filter and whether I should change to an external. They say not to (obviously) but did seem quite genuine. Anyway, I am going to change over to an external but only because I have more fish in than I should I am also going to take my gravel out and replace with sand and add a 3d background. Anyway....congrats on a good choice of tank you know you are buying quality with a juwel product!!
I hope someone else advises about ph as well.

Your pH is fine, stop messing with it. Mine is 7.6 ish & my fish are happy critters, your fish will adjust. What they wont adjust to is the one time you over or underdose your pH down & they get a massive instantanoius change in the pH.

Thanks for all the advice. Really useful.
Ok - I will stop messing with the ph for now. Could something in the tank (compost, gravel etc) raise the PH ?

I would love to keep 2 silver sharks as they are fab fish. would 2 be ok as I know they like to shoal? Also wont they grow to the tank size?

I will squeeze out the sponges every 2 weeks. Is this period about right to syphon the gravel a bit as well?

sorry for all the questions :)

Personally, I think vaccuuming the gravel weekly is a good idea. Crushed coral will raise your pH
Hi astroman. I have the exact same aquarium as you...been running for a year now. Great tank!!! I actually e-mailed juwel about their internal filter and whether I should change to an external. They say not to (obviously) but did seem quite genuine. Anyway, I am going to change over to an external but only because I have more fish in than I should I am also going to take my gravel out and replace with sand and add a 3d background. Anyway....congrats on a good choice of tank you know you are buying quality with a juwel product!!

Hi there. Thanks for your reply. I love the tank and am looking forward to years of enjoyment from it. I think the 3d background makes a huge difference - I chose the light cliff face, awesome.
Question - Can you have more than one filter system ie keep the internal one and add an external one?
ps - have you a picture of yours?

I believe you can have more than one filter although juwel claim their internal is more than enough. Re the silver sharks I would say no to our tank as they grow really big and as you point out prefer to be in a shoal. Have you looked at sparkling gourami and splendid rainbow fish? I have both species in my tank and they are fascinating to watch! Also a group of corys are really entertaining, mine have just started to lay eggs. I do have pics of my tank but not sure how to upload them ☺
Fish kinda grow to the size of the tank in that they will die, ill and stunted, way before they reach their full size. The goldfish in my mum's pond are almost as old as me, for diplomacy let's say 20odd. Most goldfish in 60l tanks won't last even half of that, probably a few years tops.

It really would be kinder to rehome them i'm afraid :(

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