New Member
Hi Everyone
After getting hooked on tropical fish on the impulse purchase of a small 2ft tank, and keeping a variety of small community fish I decided to buy a lager tank and need some advice on what stock it with.
During my early days when I was browsing My LFS I saw two oscars that I fell in love with and voved to own one day, but after research and due to my available space of only being able to have a 180L tank I dont think my set up will be big enough.
I do love chiclids and only want to keep a pair and maybe a couple of clean up crew in this tank.
Any idea's on a medium size fish that would suitable.
After getting hooked on tropical fish on the impulse purchase of a small 2ft tank, and keeping a variety of small community fish I decided to buy a lager tank and need some advice on what stock it with.
During my early days when I was browsing My LFS I saw two oscars that I fell in love with and voved to own one day, but after research and due to my available space of only being able to have a 180L tank I dont think my set up will be big enough.
I do love chiclids and only want to keep a pair and maybe a couple of clean up crew in this tank.
Any idea's on a medium size fish that would suitable.