New 125l Tank, What Should I Put In It?


Fish Herder
Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I got a new 125L tank (Juwel Rio 125) and i was wondering what to put in it.

I want these:

rummy nose tetra
angelfish ?
a small ram/cichlid of some sort
tiger barbs
catfish ?

this is my biggest tank, and its quite nice, it has the matching stand. i want it to look its best (unlike the other 3 lol)
i have a a simaler size tank and i have a parrot fish which is ace! they are really cleveranother really nice one is a humbug catfish. personnally i wouldnt go for tiger barbs because they can get very nasty. But i got golden barbs and they are ok.
I got a new 125L tank (Juwel Rio 125) and i was wondering what to put in it.

I want these:

rummy nose tetra
angelfish ?
a small ram/cichlid of some sort
tiger barbs
catfish ?

this is my biggest tank, and its quite nice, it has the matching stand. i want it to look its best (unlike the other 3 lol)

I find the best way to get a tank looking nice it to have a mix of top swimmers, middle hanger outers and bottom dwellers, that way the tank always looks in balance. Oh and a nice live planted environment is a must in my eyes.
I have a 3ft tank. When i first started i put in gaurami's, angels and a clown loach.
Now, 2 years later, i have gone for the South American look and my fish are getting big
for my tank.
Stefan. :)

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