New 120 Gallon!

So, I went shopping for filters today. I visited my LFS but he didn't have what I wanted in his shop, so he would have to order them. Now comes the fun part. Since I am going to have to order them anyway, do I just get them online or order them from my LFS and support his business?

I snagged his supplier catalog :) I'm all in favor of supporting my local business, but we'll wait and see how he compares to price + shipping. If he ends up being only a few more dollars more expensive, I will buy from him.

I was thinking of buying 2 Aquaclear 70's and an external of some sort, but I haven't bought an external in over 10 years. Keep in mind I'm in the US and on a budget. Any recommendations?

If you're on a budget, I'd get two Aquaclear 110s and call it a day :-D

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