New 120 gallon--I want an oddball =P


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I have a 120 gallon that is around 5 feet long 20 inches wide and 25 inches tall. I was interested in a freshwater stingray, but they cost so much. Any kinds that are kind of cheap and would do okay in a 120 gallon? It has a sand substrate (playsand) so I think a stingray would do well it my tank.

Of course, the tank hasn't cycled yet so I won't be adding any fish for a long time. The "oddball" I choose will most likely go in last since I would want them to be in a mature tank and not a freshly cycled one. :nod: I also like puffers but I know most of them are aggressive and need brackish water.

Other possible tankmates for my 120 gallon are basically just semi-aggressive/aggressive cichlids. So anyone have any suggestions?
you can get freshwater puffers. there is a pinned topic about different puffers and whether or not they need brackish. Have you actually started cycling yet? I turned my 120G into a Saltwater tank. My friend has the same 120G and he has some tinfoil barbs, an oscar, a manganese, a Jack Dempsy, and a shovelnose in it. I think he wants to ditch them all for a mated pair of manganese lol
J-Money said:
you can get freshwater puffers. there is a pinned topic about different puffers and whether or not they need brackish. Have you actually started cycling yet? I turned my 120G into a Saltwater tank. My friend has the same 120G and he has some tinfoil barbs, an oscar, a manganese, a Jack Dempsy, and a shovelnose in it. I think he wants to ditch them all for a mated pair of manganese lol
No I haven't started cycling yet...I still need to figure out what kind of fish to cycle with since I have such a large tank and most of my fish I will be adding will be aggressive so I can't use a bunch of danios. :crazy: Yea, my boyfriend wanted to turn my 120 gallon into a saltwater but we don't have the money right now for all of the extra equipment. :no: I will definately be getting an oscar and a green texas cichlid...maybe a blood parrot as well. I am not sure though. I just wanted something strange. :dunno:
Raechal said:
No I haven't started cycling yet...I still need to figure out what kind of fish to cycle with
you could do a fishless cycle. I personally cycled my freshwater tank with tiger barbs. You could find a bunch of little ones pretty cheap (I see them for $0.99 each around here) and then later on when you throw your bigger, aggressive fish they can have stuff to munch on. I know i'll catch a lot of flack for that statement, but oh-well. That's wut i might try to do lol :D
snails! i like to cycle with snails... especially since so many pretty fish like to EAT them... :p and they aren't vectors for disease like cheapie/feeder fish...

if you're concerned for your plants, use the Madagasgar trumpets! they're the little guys that burrow down in the soil and serve sorta like earthworms. but be sure to get several, as they aren't hermaphroditic -- you'll need at least one female to get a colony started.

chiclids eat snails, right? :look: of course, chiclids also just like to attack things...

if you want an oddball with an oscar, you'll need something sturdy. have you considered any of the spiney eels? it sounds like several people have had good luck keeping them with aggressive top-dwellers like arowanas at least... i'm afraid i don't have any experience with oscars to tell you more with. -_-

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